African American Dad in Philly says:
Friday, 5 January 2007
Alcee Hastings- verbal gem:

Hastings an African-american congressman said- "I'm tired of listening to these Republicans whining and lecturing Democrats about fiscal responsibility. The analogy is like this- it's like the horses on the farm telling the ranch hand "cleaning up" - that he is using too small a shovel to clean up!" (their shit that they have left all over the government)"

I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

posted by africanamericandad at 10:48 AM EST
Enjoyed my Christmas with my family.

Man. Back in the saddle again.

Watched Nancy Pelosi yesterday become new Speaker of the House. Now watching Republicans WHINE about the Dems using the same rules the Repubs used against them in the last few Congresses. Its kinda pathetic listening to the smug bastards that stuck it to the Dems in every way possible- getting their comeuppance.

Whine more assholes. Go Dems.

I'm dumping my voting registration switching to independent (lower case on purpose)...

I hope the Dems do something different. Campaign finance reform, more of the lobbyist reforms, anything to get rid of these "rigged voting machines"- (paper ballots work for me..).

The free lunch for Halliburton? Oversight committees- (hearings anyone?... ) I want to know where my money went. Every fucking DIME. I want- where they don't know where the money went.... that the last person responsible- "signed for" the funds go to jail for grand larceny and every other charge that can be levied upon them. I want responsibility/ to mean something in my government

posted by africanamericandad at 10:30 AM EST
Sunday, 31 December 2006
Just Home from Prison

They almost got me... but a paid lawyer is the only way to travel.

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posted by africanamericandad at 7:00 PM EST
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Baby Abigail was stolen from her mom- mom throat slashed-baby snatched!!!

White women are treacherous! and the fucking cops in Washington, Missouri are the fucking BOMB!!! they got that baby back in just a few days!!!

Those cops in WASHINGTON MI are smoking! They found this 11day old baby and got her away from the crazy psycho bitch in almost record time... That stalking bitch needs to get life in prison... and KUDOS need to go to the police down in cooterville>>> Washington, Missouri- the professionalism and "getter dun" attitude of the police and the Govenor calling out the Missouri National Guard is whats happening! I'm impressed and happy for this family to be reunited with their family after this crazy tragedy happened to them..

I hope that nasty murderous, baby snatching whore that stole their baby>>gets the death penalty! Anyone in prison throw her ass off the top of the cell block - i won't be sad.

White people need to lock their damned doors and stop trusting them white strangers- the evil is among THEM- they always worried about blacks and minorities doing em some harm- and it's always their own that are serial killing and raping and murdering em.... Seriesly whitey lock your doors and stop acting like its the fucking 50's the crazies are already there in your communities...and they look like u whitey -not me....

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posted by africanamericandad at 10:13 PM EDT
Israel snuck and acquired nuclear weapons.. why can't Iran have the damned things?

I mean our country is always telling other fucking countries (sovereign nations) what they have to fucking do- I guess they aint too happy about that.

I mean when you think about it- what right do we have to do what the fuck we please when we please- but they have to toe some goddamned line we put in place? I mean thats horseshit on a real level. We got the balls and hubris to tell other nations what to do- we meddle in their affairs we send our troops to keep our boots on teir necks.. and thats ok over here.

White America is so fucking phony-

Maybe it's not a bad idea for shit loads of Mexicans to re-invade.... reconquistadores... i mean it's got white americans upset. And they didn't give a shit if other Americans besides themselves had gainful employment.. White America looked down their noses at everyone when they held all the kickass manufacturing jobs and called everyone closed oout of the system- lazy welfare queens... So maybe it isnt' so fucking bad they gotta reap what they sowed...

Let teh Mexicans in to mow tehir lawn and do construction labor to fuck teh balck man over- and then fucked up when the guy picking tomatoes and farm products breanched out brought his family and heritage to America and got in on the cheap at those chicken plants and the rest of manufactoring in the United States and put white americans outta work- cuz you know damned well it wasnt a problem when the only motherfuckers in America was getting squeezed outta work was the black man- no one gave a shit- now that white americans getting assfucked by the mexicans its a national tragedy....

Shits kinda funny watching whitey reap what he sowed...

Kinda like bush going to Iraq and being too stupid to understand that Saddam was a SUnni- and dumping him and putting SHiites in charge- taht most Iranians are fucking SHia too- and natural friends to the Iraqi Shia. DUH- and here in America the shortsighted dumbass whites brought in Mexicans to displace blacks -but now they are losing their own fucking jobs and the middle class in america is falling apart and working for a living has turned into slavery for everyone- and our cools system of upper lower and middle class has essentially turned into working class and the fucking rich...

Its kinda hilarious... watching the people that keep voting for thieves have to eat ass everytime tehy go to fill up the gas tank... They are gettting splooged and pimped continuously and they are starting to see it clearly. it is funny- for real.

Enron was a symbol of what is happening in America on a Macro level. Rich robbing and tricking the poor out of jobs and retirement and benefits and wondering why- they are getting screwed... tehy voted for the motherfucksrs screwing em... and they are so stupid and confussed- its a joke

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posted by africanamericandad at 1:04 PM EDT
"Debris" floating on same obit as the raggety NASA shuttle- wonder what else has fallen off that piece of shit orbiter

Turn over Orbital ops to Scaled Composites- Burt Rutan's boys- NASA aint shit.

Wasting money- the shuttle looks like the homelessmobile.... I mean we have lost two whle crews to this crappy pice of shit vehicle. Crew on the shuttle can't come home til they figure what fell off that p.o.s. ...I hope they get down OK. I couldnt stand another crew exploded all over south east America.

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posted by africanamericandad at 12:57 PM EDT
Monday, 18 September 2006
George Allen -"the Macaca" yelling RACIST.... motherfucker shouldnt be a janitor much less a fucking US Senator

the other guy Allen is a combat veteran- who says women are unfit for combat- this retro motherfucker poor Virginia what a choice

Webb is at least a fucking veteran... and he wants our troops outta Iraq so- when the choice is the evil asshole Allen (who's a Confederate flag waving dickhead) and the caveman asshole Webb -pick the Caveman asshole Webb.

It's fucked up all you have is a racist piece of shit and some guy with 1950's attitudes on women...We need another Party other than the DemoRats and the Republicreeps... but since there isn't any other choice pick Webb.. because Allen will keep us "staying the course" of death and destruction and wasting our Treasury on this bullshit in Iraq... Allen has to motherfucking go...

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posted by africanamericandad at 5:31 PM EDT
Gas prices mysteriously going down- as the ELECTION looms-- what a coincidence..

Wow its a miracle? Hell no its no miracle- the Repub cabal running oil companies is trying to look not so greedy until elections over...

Sheeeeeiiiit.... aint no motherfucking miracle. They always say there are all these conspiracy theorists etc... but you really think the oil and gas prices dropping so providentially just b4 the fucking election?

How about they are just as inimically going to rise after the goddamned election. No doubt about it. If you don't believe the prices aren't being artificially manipulated -you are not only a fucking moron- you will believe anydamned thing.

It just hit me- why the Republicans have such a wonderful lock on the hearts and minds of the "Conservative Right" the Jesus freaks believe that Jesus' mom had God vsit her and get her pregnant- Immaculate conception and all that- (try that line today- and you'll get a ticket to the goddamned lunatic ward at the local hospital with a nice dose of Xanex for your crazy ass...Nothing has physically changed from 2000 years ago to today- God was no more on this planet 2000 years ago than he/she/it -is now-)

Listen, if you believe all that fucking bullshit with all your heart - you are a chump to be manipulated in anything! If you have faith in bullshit- then you are a goofy rube that can be manipulated by more complex matters all the time. Come on! Jesus walked on water? Yeah right. Moses parted the Red Sea? Dude when I was on Peace Keeping duty in the Sinai- I saw the goddamned Red Sea with these two eyes- aint nobody parted the Red Sea playa and if you believe they did- yous a motherfucking idiot.... Fuck what you heard. Abraham Lincoln had it wrong- you CAN fool some of the People all of the Time.

Cuz these goddamned religious fanatics believe anything anyone of "faith" tells em- "I've uh Sinned AGAIN!"- they fall for the okey doke like no ones business.

It's funny- I rail against Jews alot- but jews are much more pragmatic and sensible about religion that the Islamists (who schitz out in street screaming rages agaisnt anyone bad mouthing thier Prophet) and Christians (who are so fucking gullible and stupid they will willingly follow and do the bidding of any schmuck slick enuff to say they are the same faith as them..:(.

Me- every now and then I need some spiritual guidance when I have no where else to turn- when shit is just gone all wrong--and thats just because I was trained to be a Catholic( poor me..)..... It wasn't by choice- you know the religion your stuck going to and praying at sucks when: you ask- how come if the girl down the street is 16 with a baby- is a slut. But Mary in the Bible- is an Immaculate Conception(Hey Mary, I understand that pregnant girls that got with child with no husband in tha ttime and place got STONED TO DEATH! So it's more likely young unmarried Mary with child- told a very convincing story to save her own ass- wouldnt you?)-- and you get slapped for mentioning what quite obviously really happened-or how come the people coming to church on the bus? And the preacher drives a Cadillac?

Buncha bullshit is what it is.

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posted by africanamericandad at 4:33 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 18 September 2006 5:30 PM EDT
Sunday, 17 September 2006
US Military imprisoning AP journalist for 5 months- no charges-

13,000 USA is holding with no charges- just holding them indefinitely- with no trial

heres a link from the Ap story

Truth Justice and the American Way- whatever happened to that?

This is the slimiest, worst most incompetant and evil administration in United States history. This is just horrible.

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posted by africanamericandad at 4:03 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 September 2006 4:06 PM EDT
Bush and his chicken hawk- pussy boys want to amend the Geneva Fucking Conventions!

Oh my god. The pussies to cowardly to actually serve- want to jeopardize the protections for our own troops.

Look this isn't rocket science- if you amend the Geneva Conventions- to allow our country to do shit we are not already doing- other countries can and will too! This is unacceptable for our own troops- they guys and gals with the balls to actually put it on the line for America. The alterations proposed by the Bush Administration are coming under fire from his own Republican Party leaders- Senators Mc Cain/Warner and Graham- four star- General (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Secretary of State Colin Powell all distinguished troopers of our Armed Forces- guys with the balls to actually put it on the line are all against this.

If we amend the Geneva Conventions- what stops other countries from deviating from the goddamned thing? Short answer? NOTHING- this is an evil precedent to set for our troops now and in the coming decades. It's just plain dumb.

Bush and his trash cowards chickenhawks want to protect themselves from war crimes they have already perpetrated- I'll bet- so they are pushing this shit hard.

If Bush is so set on our troops knowing these "rules of engagement that are amorphous and gray areas-" he can easily add them (any special instructions to our militaries training's and manuals- there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to jeopardize our troops in the future by amending the Geneva Conventions unilaterally.

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posted by africanamericandad at 3:19 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 September 2006 3:34 PM EDT
Nazi Catholic Pope- utters anti-Muslim rhetoric in public...

Pope remarks- anger Muslims globally. What the fuck is wrong with this guy- oops he's a Nazi-Duh

link above- is one of a million stories describing the foolish remarks by the Nazi Pope.

Nazi Pope, Nazi Bush in lock step- talking up this clash of civilizations bullshit- riling folks up, scaring other folks. What are these stupid bitches thinking? The Pope is an irresponsible asshole. he not gonna denounce the pedophiles in his fucking scumbag church this strenuously though- noway. Stupid fuck.

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posted by africanamericandad at 9:18 AM EDT
Friday, 15 September 2006
Novak -The Prince of Darkness" on C-span this morning.... lying as usual.

CIA agent Plame was outed publicly by Novak- saying no crime was committed- hmm.. then why.

Is Scooter Libby -a a top lawyer practicing for over 30 years- works hand in glove as Chief of Staff for the Vice President of the United States of America- lies to a Special Prosecutor and Federal Grand Jury- about something that is NOT a crime?

Tell me- are you or anyone not in an insane "ass"ylum- gonna lie to the biggest cops in the nation- top lawyer practicing for over 30 years now- not some 14 year old kid- why in the fuck would he lie facing 3 counts max ten years per count- of lying to Feds and Grand Jury- and 98% gonna be convicted (then just before sentencing- he's gonna "die" or pardoned....)---- why would he do that since there is no crime?

We are all just fucking stupid. Yeah thats the ticket...

No crime so noted top lawyer is facing 30 years in a Federal Prison. Bullshit.

Scooter Libby is going to be pardoned for sure by the man that got him covering for him in the first place......

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posted by africanamericandad at 9:36 AM EDT
Thursday, 14 September 2006
Iraq - our boys took heavy losses today several killed 29 wounded so far

Looks like our troops were doing PT- staying shape when a suicide truck bomber caught them sleeping- shit!

Every American death hits me especially hard since I know in my heart there is absolutely no reason for our guys and girls to be dying for this bullshit. And it was Army that took the hit today. I'm saying a real prayer for the troops in hospital now- praying for their limbs. You know I'm a cynical ex-catholic- but I'll be damned if I won't pray- you never know? Gimme a minute...

I feel kinda stupid praying, really- but it wasnt for me- i prayed that them kids over there feel less pain and that whoever or whatever GOD/Higher power or whatever- if its really there will help them. i'm really skeptical anyone or thing heard me- but if something like a prayer matters at all- I did my part- with sincerity.

Nuff of the lunatic shit-now-back to reality.

This Iraq thing is so wrong- but the stupid ass president got on tv last night talking about this is the war of civilizations- well DAMMIT BUSH you fucking asshole- then act like it and send 3 whole divisions over there and overwhelm these motherfuckers and mop the shit out of Iraq and find every last motherfucker offering resistance and smoke that ass! Afghanistan too- the shit this guy Bush does just makes me want to scream in my skin- all thsi fucking rhetoric- to keep this bullshit going for Halliburton- he dont want it to end. The Treasury faucet into Halliburtons pocket- all that free money- $14.00 bowls of cereal for our troops? Bush doesn't want it to end so it won't.

More of our kids killed every single day for Halliburton profits. I'm thinking some awful shit right now- the sorry asses in our government besides Bush and his thieves just allow this Treason against America to just go on and on and on... CIA FBI JUSTICE CONGRESS all a goddamned bunch of yellow bellied cowards- too afraid to call that traitor BUSH and Cheney what they are.

Ben Franklin: those that would trade Liberty for their security deserve neither.

Ben would roll in his grave if he knew what scumbags we got running our fucking once great nation.


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posted by africanamericandad at 6:07 PM EDT
Bionic woman? Serious-wow factor

Cnn ran story tonite- she doesnt cost 6 million dollars either- only 4 million

The research was $4 million and the actual hardware she walks around with is a few hundred thousand more and dig this- it works via her thoughts! They reroute the nerves that were attached to the limb attach them to other muscles (hers were in her side up high)- nerves attached to other muscles which control the actual bionic prosthetic!

I was stunned by the implications- namely being all the amputees that can afford it need no longer use prosthetics that are dead/phony- her shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist and hand all worked via her thoughts -holy shit it was mindblowingly sweet technology to watch.

And she was a pretty black woman too.... wonder if bionic chicks do it betta?

Seriously- thinking about the technology for wheelchairbound folks- they said they were gonna be done with legs/knees and such this year! Stunning breakthrough.

Wow- whats next (I'm serious)- in a few decades with computing power going up exponentially- they will have fully functioning bodies- and did I forget to mention she said they had put some technology in the bionics where she can get tactile sensation (for you dummies- she can feel stuff- in her fingers and hand)...

All this stuff is going to be perfected over the next few decades,,, and the uses and roads down which we'll travel using this stuff?! Mindboggling..

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posted by africanamericandad at 5:58 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 September 2006 6:27 PM EDT
Cost of the War to Date-

Courtesy of National Priorites Project >>>>>>>>> thanks E.K

I thought it was closer to a trillion. But- what the fuck do I know? Thats why I put the real info in here- still every freaking dime is a God Awful- travesty- with at least 15% going straight into Vice President Cheney's homies pockets (Halliburton)....

Click this link to view the page- (this crummy blog doesn't allow me to paste in javascripts or anything so get it from the source via a webpage with the javascript counter embedded)

Doctor WHO collage in Flash movie format .swf <<< it sucks- I was just fooling around

this is movie is a collage of videos from the new Doctor Who series2006- oh shit... I forgot u dumbasses too slow to get the BBC episodes are just watching the last years Doctor Who on SCI Channel(your watching the 2005 episodes in USA) oops so you'll know Rose but not the NEW Doctor Who... oh crap- i'm giving away the whole new season OMG- ah screw ya!!! LOl video collage the song is "Who Knew" by Pink

Doctor Who 2006 season collage

just checking to see what this lousy program will let me insert/upload.

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posted by africanamericandad at 3:36 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 September 2006 7:51 PM EDT
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
CBS show Survivor - next show has evened racial teams!

The way it was before was a sea of white with a single black dot- kudos CBS!!!

I'm gonna start watching more CBS

The advertisers that pull out I'm boycotting- This country is usually full of shit as far as race was concerned- but enough black people complained to CBS about how unfair their show was to minorities- who had to simper and kiss the white majorities butts to stay on the show. CBS made the shit fair and square and I'm going to support them by watching more of their programming and punish those advertisers that drop CBS by not buying their shit! And being a father of a tribe with lots of family and friends and being a block captain and active politically- my section of Philly is gonna follow suit.

It's about fucking time!

Way to go CBS!!!!!!!

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posted by africanamericandad at 8:10 PM EDT
The War has cost us our Troops useless deaths and our Treasury
Now Playing: Cost of the Iraq War and Counting>>> Thanks for the counter EK!
Topic: Illegal War


Just a damned shame! 

posted by africanamericandad at 5:24 PM EDT
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
When we finally leave- we can thank BUSH for wasting our money and troops on this disaster

Bush spends nearly a trillion bankrupts America so the Iranians can win? What a fucking dope.

Iran and Iraq- BUSh is a uniter after all- the Jackass spent almost a trillion and what did we get? nearly 3000 of USA finest fighting men and women dead and over 20,000 of our finest warriors limbs blown off -- for what?

So the people we are supporting- Iraq democratically elected by the way- can be in bed with its natural friends -fellow SHIites Iran. Jesus Christ! Bush and his yesman generals and yes man CIA are without question the most incompetant motherfuckers in military history! I despair. It makes my blood boil!

These stupid sons of bitches

Its jaw droppingly incompetent.

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posted by africanamericandad at 7:00 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 7:11 PM EDT
You hear about the two US Border Agents Ramos and Campion? THey were defending the border

Drug dealer had 800 pounds of dope they chased him when he came over the border shot him in the ass. But are convicted- of not following the rules?

We don't have any kinda justice in America when our frontline Border Patrol people have more to worry about from the justice system in our country- than the fucking drug pushing illegals crossing our fucking borders. They actually convicted these good American Boys of some bullshit and gave em each 20 years!!! i swear its the biggest miscarriage of Justice I've seen in awhile. I'm emailing that dumbfuck Attorney General we have (grinning lil pussy is probably illegal himself thats why he's always grinning)Gonzalez- telling em what a travesty of justice this is.

Our country is ass backwards when crooks get IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION- and our protectors the Border Patrol protecting USA are convicted- this shit is out-motherfucking-rageous

My mouth is open..

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posted by africanamericandad at 6:38 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 September 2006 9:49 AM EDT
Watching Lou Dobbs show on CNN- emailer said support port security and "buy american"-

We had a $68,000,000,000.00 $68billion dollar trade deficit- LAST MONTH ALONE!

We dont make anything but lookalike gas guzzling trash that get recalled every year.

Buy American- we dont make shit in America anymore- all the manufacturing jobs have

gone overseas- and those that havent are leaving as we speak. 68 billion dollar trade deficit

last month this country isnt going to hell in a handbasket- its already there.

We are on track for an 800 billion dollar trade deficit this year.

My mouth is just open- I'm beyond stunned.

But CEOs in this country make tens of millions a year to run American business and

manufacturing so people can earn an honest wage into the fucking ground.

When you have super rich and super poor- you have Louis 17th's & Marie Antoinette's

FRANCE.... We need to shake this shit up. Our government is not by and for the people.

You know the dumb assed middle American white voters gonna vote for the fucking

Republicans again.

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posted by africanamericandad at 6:28 PM EDT

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