Gas prices mysteriously going down- as the ELECTION looms-- what a coincidence..
Wow its a miracle? Hell no its no miracle- the Repub cabal running oil companies is trying to look not so greedy until elections over...
Sheeeeeiiiit.... aint no motherfucking miracle. They always say there are all these conspiracy theorists etc... but you really think the oil and gas prices dropping so providentially just b4 the fucking election?
How about they are just as inimically going to rise after the goddamned election. No doubt about it. If you don't believe the prices aren't being artificially manipulated -you are not only a fucking moron- you will believe anydamned thing.
It just hit me- why the Republicans have such a wonderful lock on the hearts and minds of the "Conservative Right" the Jesus freaks believe that Jesus' mom had God vsit her and get her pregnant- Immaculate conception and all that- (try that line today- and you'll get a ticket to the goddamned lunatic ward at the local hospital with a nice dose of Xanex for your crazy ass...Nothing has physically changed from 2000 years ago to today- God was no more on this planet 2000 years ago than he/she/it -is now-)
Listen, if you believe all that fucking bullshit with all your heart - you are a chump to be manipulated in anything! If you have faith in bullshit- then you are a goofy rube that can be manipulated by more complex matters all the time. Come on! Jesus walked on water? Yeah right. Moses parted the Red Sea? Dude when I was on Peace Keeping duty in the Sinai- I saw the goddamned Red Sea with these two eyes- aint nobody parted the Red Sea playa and if you believe they did- yous a motherfucking idiot.... Fuck what you heard. Abraham Lincoln had it wrong- you CAN fool some of the People all of the Time.
Cuz these goddamned religious fanatics believe anything anyone of "faith" tells em- "I've uh Sinned AGAIN!"- they fall for the okey doke like no ones business.
It's funny- I rail against Jews alot- but jews are much more pragmatic and sensible about religion that the Islamists (who schitz out in street screaming rages agaisnt anyone bad mouthing thier Prophet) and Christians (who are so fucking gullible and stupid they will willingly follow and do the bidding of any schmuck slick enuff to say they are the same faith as them..:(.
Me- every now and then I need some spiritual guidance when I have no where else to turn- when shit is just gone all wrong--and thats just because I was trained to be a Catholic( poor me..)..... It wasn't by choice- you know the religion your stuck going to and praying at sucks when: you ask- how come if the girl down the street is 16 with a baby- is a slut. But Mary in the Bible- is an Immaculate Conception(Hey Mary, I understand that pregnant girls that got with child with no husband in tha ttime and place got STONED TO DEATH! So it's more likely young unmarried Mary with child- told a very convincing story to save her own ass- wouldnt you?)-- and you get slapped for mentioning what quite obviously really happened-or how come the people coming to church on the bus? And the preacher drives a Cadillac?
Buncha bullshit is what it is.
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posted by africanamericandad
at 4:33 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 18 September 2006 5:30 PM EDT