African American Dad in Philly says:
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
RepubliCons- Do Nothing For Americans- Lick Big Business ASS Congress- worried
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: 9 weeks to go be4 the Elections- Borders, Ports, American Infrastructure, Wars
Topic: Politics


haven't done a thing good for Americans- thats a fact. The borders are still open. The ports controlled by foreign countries. The lie that led us to the war in Iraq. The incompetance that can't beat some rebels in a 3rd world country. The Hurricane Katrina Non -Response. They can't find Osama bin Laden- and have now actually Stopped looking for him.


Prescription law- where government CANNOT find best prices for drugs for Americans- written into the Law? The illegal immigrants taking over our jobs and way of life? The security of the Nation unattended to? Troops dying for nothing? Credit Card Law/ Bankruptcy Law written by the cred card co's and Wall Street thieves? Imminent Domain- they can legally take your fucking house now!? Tapping the phones? internet? libraries? What the fuck???!??

This Republicon led Senate, Republican led House, Republican led White House and Republican Led Supreme Court have systemattically removed all of the protections that Americans have fought for in less than ten years. 

Who has been in total control of the government? The republicons-

No question who is responsible for the sorry state of affairs the United States of America has found itself in. Republicans alone are responsible.

(Watch half the country vote for these thieving scum bags again anyway... Majority of AMericans are some stupid ass motherfuckers that vote against their own interests because they fall for the goddamned okeey-doke republicon rhetoric every fucking time. THere is no excuse for a bitch to vote for the thieves this time- but so many stupid ass Americans will anyway- vote for proven liars and thieves.

Just watch. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:50 PM EDT
Tuesday, 15 August 2006
Joe Lieberman- trounced by Ned Lamont in Dem Primary
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Lieberman's lockstep Israeli bent- exposed- Voters speak
Topic: Politics

Lieberman- is a Jew.

I don't have a problem with my brother American's ethnicity.

Jews contribute mightily to the intellectual, military, scientific, and moral fabric of America. I mean mightily contribute. I respect and honor my fellow Americans. I always will love and support my fellow Americans- don't doubt it. Ever.

However- there are some of the Jewish persuasion who do not have America's best interests at heart. Or they have suched mixed allegiance to the State of Israel- which I can understand clearly is a natural thing to have-if one were a Jew. 

But there are some things which are good for our Ally Israel - which are not good for USA- and that gets rolled over by a very succinct, very well managed and powerful Jewish/Israeli lobby here in the United States which is supported by and large by the Jewish population in the US. All very legal (mostly) and natural. However- the USA used to be a country that was admired, respected and loved in the world. Our ideas and our can-do attitude was the darling of the world- until the 1950s. 

We (USA) supported the European colonialism that installed the JEws into the area we now call Israel - and now all our talk of fairness, truth, justice and the American way- has been exposed as the bullshit rhetoric- that it alwasy was.

America doesn't believe in truth and Justice. THose have been just buzz words for a couple hundred years. Look at the struggle of the peoples that lived in America- don't they look like American palestinians- the Native Americans? The Israeli situation- colonizing a land that was already inhabited- killing those that resist- and oppressing those that don't resist. Its been done before- the heinous acts covered up with slogans about democracy and justice- meanwhile demonizing the people that are it's victims on the global stage- by calling them terrorists and such- it really is a brilliant campaign to dis-inform the people of the world- but the formula works to perfection- mostly. They have their way.

But lets quit calling the pig that is Israel- democracy and Justice driven. it's not. Bare naked colonialism isnt pretty is it? It is increasingly dangerous to be a colonialist in this day and age- 21st century- look at all the places where most colonialism occurs- Africa and other place- they are displaceing the bullshitters clothed in law and order that have stolen their lands and resources- they have driven them out in most places.  Zimbabwe comes to mind. Where the displaced have access to weaponry- they fight back- even after decades of domination by the thieving interlopers.....

So the trend is set- Remember Zimbabwe...

You can't hold onto your foothold on someone elses land when the people you stole from arm themselves and won't give up.

Since weaponry is advancing to the stage where people that can afford it  can purchase nuclear material- so they will and the inexorable march to reclaiming what was stolen will move on- can't lay down in a man's house that you have stolen- then complain that you can't get on with and enjoy your life-when he tries to get his property back......

right is right and bullshit gets exposed when the weaponry evens out. 

when the arabs get even par as far as weaponry- israels toast.

America needs to rethink its lies.

The world went from admiring a darling- to hating a lying ass bully. 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:20 AM EDT
Thursday, 27 July 2006
Hezbollah- Hamas and all the rest unite- oh shit.
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: you know if they hit us in USA our incompetant govt -gonna leave us in the lurch
Topic: Politics

SHit- I'm worried- Everyone knows if you actually need them- our own gvt- is the most incompetant on the planet. We cant beat resistance ppl in Iraq- (cuz they are too stupid to listen to General Shinseki- who said we need 300k plus troops)....

We cant save our own ppl for an entire week- we let them die- and foul shit to happen in Katrina. We know the govt lies everyday about how the economy is doing- its a wreck thats been covered over with a sheet.-

Now The fucking AlQueda and the rest in the Middle Easat are banding together beyond their diffrences- and we going to take some heat.

I'm worried- I hope them assholes dont hit Philly. We know bush-'s stupid ass and his piece of shit government isnt prepared for a damned thing and we gonna take it up teh ass.

Maybe we should look at the weather patterns and see where the fallout from the nukes wont go- and get our families there.

Vancouver, British Columbia- is far west- wind blows from teh westerly- so likelihood of radioactive fallout will be minimal....

 I think we have a few years b4 the shit hits Chernobyl style.... Get ready everyone- you know shit well our govt isnt gonna react for us until it s way too late. So make your own plans for your family.

Our mindless following of them stupid ass willful Jews in the Middle East are the source of every current problem that we fucking have... 

posted by africanamericandad at 4:20 PM EDT
Friday, 21 July 2006
looking at my blogs lately _I look like some kinda radical
Now Playing: But in reality I'm a fed-up Conservative Republican veteran
Topic: Politics

I'm for truth Justice and the American Way.

But truth gets skewed, blurred and outright broken in two and Frankensteined into lies and treacherous misleading horshit- by the people running the dialog/manipulating the global situation/ war profiteering etc...

Living in America is like the Twilight Zone episode that never ends.

I'm black and American but I can be shot dead in this country- imprisoned with a kangaroo court trial(they will have a practically all-white jury for sure)- for any crime whatso ever. Accused of drug dealing, terrorism or anything whatsoever- and who in our main stream culture would care? No one.

In a world where our government "promotes" democracy- at the point of a tank or gun or airstrikes- yet ignores or will have no dealings with democratically elected governments that it doesnt like- Democracy is touted and shouted- yet in our own America elections are ROUTINELY stolen- we use "electronic voting booths- with NO PAPER TRAIL" no accountablility whatsoever- DIEBOLD machines anyone can program in thrity seconds- 

No democracy in America for me with the worst schools in the civilized world teaching our kids to go to prison. No democracy where the voice of true Americans is drowned out by the APAC Jewish lobby- that really controls USA Armed Forces. No democracy where the only job you can find is working at McDonald's for $6 bucks and hour ONLY PART TIME 20 hours a week or at WALMART for the same pay and ZERO benefits - and thats called a fucking JOB.

There is no democracy where you can be murdered by the POLICE STATE, there is no democracy where any crime you are accused of you can be imprisoned for, no democracy where your vote doesn't even get counted...

Our country the so-called superpower/ the Emperor with no clothes... that  says one thing while doing entirely something else. Our glibly lying American government that yearly tricks taxpayers with tricks and gimmicks our democracy is a lie.

The American Citizens scream for the country to be protected, the borders closed, the ports checked and secured. This is not done. The borders to this very day are wide open. The poor from our southern neighbors (and anyone else that feels like it) come through whenever they please and nothing is done. Our ports are run by foreign companies routinely. So our safety is effectively in the hands of foreigners.

We the people are sold out to the extent that the Government feels quite free to ignore our pleas and exhortations for common sense to prevail on issues such as our very safety, our jobs and our way of life being eroded by the invasions happening in front of us all. Yet we continue to elect these same thieving rats. Why? Because the election machines themselves are rigged.

"America- land of the free, home of the brave" ? Nah- more like "America land of the economic slaves, market of the conniving business interests".

We are turning before our own eyes into a third world nation- school haven't just gotten bad- in the overlooked ghettos they have been this way for three decades or more- but now its become pervasive (and subsequently a national concern....), drugs that have for decades been used to pacify/destroy the ghetto communities are now inundating white communities and its a big concern all of a sudden! METH, EcsTASY- are drugs that predominately white kids use so its a big deal- NOW...

Illegal immigration and the eroding of black and minority jobs that had been ignored for decades has suddenly blown out of proportion in the media because white middle class american jobs at factories and plants that never wanted American born minorities are hiring the millions of illegals that work for pennies and no benefits-(because they dont deserve to wor here legally and can't get the low wages they get here- they are happy to work- glibly illegals say Americans are lazy- because they won't work for minimum wage and no benefits at a job that has backbreaking labor or menial work-who would work for minimum wage under these conditions?)  Our good old USA is corrupt- the rich are getting richer- and the rest of us are getting buttfucked.

You seen the excuses this week on the deficit? "Defits are not really important" they fucking tell us this week- 20 years my Republican party has been screaming about deficits but when Republicans are in power they "Cut and RUN"

Cut taxes and RUN up the deficit and National Debt. It is criminal to give your frieds tax cuts int eh millions of dollars per year- and give the rest of us a "tax cut" of $100 dollars-a tank of gas? While running up what our nation owes in the trillions of $dollars? How can you cut taxes- money coming in - during war time when your are spending hundreds of billions of dollars? How can you glibly explain away the debt that is owed? This is not a sustainable economic policy- a child can see that making projections higher than the criminal amount that our government spends -then later in the year saying "Wow our economic policies are working! When the projected deficits are less than the bloated projections you make are actually less- yet the fucking DEBT-money we honestly owe is added to in the trillions of dollars? Our grandchildren will still be paying for this Phony Christmas Spending Spree.  There will be such a global  downturn and recession such as never before been seen- how do I know- we have never in our nations history been so irresponsible with our Treasury.  So the Depression of  the late 20's will return and with all the illegals- there won't even be any work for real Americans - God please fucking help us?

Please let this irresponsible thieving ass Administration be struck by lightning and die- Lord knows our great nation is being brought low by this scumbag pirate crew- led by Dufus Dubya and That great spider thief DICK cheney. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:22 PM EDT
Thursday, 20 July 2006
Arab Israeli conflict in a nut shell
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Steal it then defend it.
Topic: Politics

Late 1947


Palestine is invaded by millions of Jews.  The Arabs living there for two thousand years are shot, stabbed- moved out at gunpoint. Hundreds of thousands (is not millions) of people- refugees.

 Fact: 1967

THe Arabs tried and failed to remove these thieves who have invaded and stolen the land.

Fact: the Israelis stole Palestine


THieves come in the night and take your home- you and your sons and daughters and wife are thrown out of your ancestral home. The thieves cliam they have a right to the land you and your family have lived in for 20 centuries.The thieves are supported by a large SUPERPOWER (full of supporters and family of the THIEVES).

What would you do if people came tomorrow to throw you and your family into the street? Tell me you wouldnt fight for your home?

You know what you would be called if your tried to keep the fight on for your families home- with the media dominated by thievish groups? You would be called a terrorist. Really- trying to boot the stinking thieves from your home- you would be called a terrorist.

And Americans always wonder why these people cannot stand us... THen calling what we do JuSTICE and DEMOCRACY! Its obscene.


posted by africanamericandad at 10:41 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2006 10:56 AM EDT
Thursday, 13 July 2006
Republicans trying to change the Voting Rights Act....
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Republicans don't want the additional scrutiny the VRA requires down South...
Topic: Politics

The Republicans havent been able to rig elections down South in a long time- the Voter Rights Act. The changes they proposed would relax scrutiny... You know the fix would be back in again- in a hot fucking minute. Screw that- if it aint broke -don't try and fuckit up.

Please- the sneaky low down crackers down South dont want that extra scrutiny that kept them from "putting the fix in"- those crackers pretend they just want to make  changes in the Voters Rights Act- but we see right through them low account trashes evil plans .....

Hell "gerrymandering" districts into the tailored obscene looking geographic monstrocities that they are now- wasn't enough? 

posted by africanamericandad at 9:15 AM EDT
Monday, 3 July 2006
Senator Lieberman- reaping what he sowed.... pussy for the Iraq war he 's done stick a fork in him-
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: 18 years in the Senate- Lieberman scared as shit. LOL
Topic: Politics
Loving Bush now Joe Lieberman?
Your support for the war in Iraq (Israels enemy)- has turned around and bit u in the anus huh Joe?
U might not have noticed- but this is United States Of America- not United States of Israel- homie- ur history. People see thru ur shit finally. You can fool some of the ppl some of the time Joe- remember that?
Well ur shits history- baby- dont get mad - just go>>>>>>>
Damned Israeli spies in our government- we needa rootem all out one by one....
Where are the spies that got caught in that other SPY Wolfowitz's office in the Pentagon? where are they- why dont we see em on TV? story just got buried -hmmm Jewish controlled media- that story will never be heard of again....

I changed my stance on the Mexicans-
Hey my shit evolves too-
Hey Mexicans- bring it- bring ur kids too- this country been white dominated too damne dlong- fuck whitey. Lets make America a "brown" country with nuclear weapons.
I fell for whiteys okeey doke- Whats gonna happen to black wages? THey gonna go up- you know how racist America is- whitey gonna be loving blacks whent eh country is fulla mexicans- whitey love to hate on the downlow- so whites are gonna embrace blacks- more hiring etc... to "spite" teh Hispanics- I saw it first hand in Miami area- white owned businesses when they find out ur native born black have hiring preferences for blacks over Hispanics.... That will take on a national grip when the Mexican invasion continus... this is good for Black Americans in the long run. You gotta look at this from teh long view.

posted by africanamericandad at 4:39 PM EDT
Monday, 15 May 2006
Bush -if he was a russian mole spy- he couldnt have ruined the USA any worse.
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: How could a spy in the Presidency be worse than Bush? easy answer they couldnt....
Topic: Politics
Wiretapping Americans- Big Brother REALLY knows every last call you fuking made in the last 5 years. They say its a fact.,

What else?

Military is ruined- in a bullshit war in IRAQ- they say the intel was bad- so who's serving? TTHe bush fanatics all got a lotta talk about it- but none of them yellow bellied Republican ChickenHawks ever actually show up to serve- and everyone else knows it is a bullshit war- so the Army is waaaaaaaay down on recruiting.

THreats still there- real threat IRAN- that really sponsors terrorist groups Hezbollah, Hamas and Al-Aqsa, Al-Queda- them bastards- we can't fight because stupid ass bush done fucked the Army up.
what a fucking idiot. we got real threat of nuclear annihilation and USA cant do shit cuz stupid ass bush hadda get his steal on via halliburton bectel etc in IRAQ.
So they stealing and shit in fake war to get tehm all paid- and our real threat IRAN is laughing and going thru with building nukes right in our faces. And we cant do shit cuz dumbfuck bush broke the military.

Iran really will give them terrorists some bomb material- or North Korea will- they sell every damned thing else tot he highest bidder. ANd dood running shit there is really a nutcase.

Russia and China doing military ops together.. You aint gotta be a rocket scientist or a drunk CIA agency to figure this shit out, folks. WHo you think they training for?

Taiwan gonna get an "offer they can't refuse" in a few years 5 tops. and what we gonna do? nothing too fukn weak. And we gonna be too broke to financially upkeep our navy or build it up to keep up with the chinese.
Our country led by greedy stupid fuckers who have relaxed our defenses and borders to make loot for themselves and who lets em do it? THe stupid ass motherfuckin govt agents buereaucrats and assholes- in our own govt.
Wehn we are all speaking chinese or russian- whos fault will it be? THe FBI lazy stupid asses, the CIA- pathetic drunk prostituting stupid asses )or cowardly asses- too worried about their jobs to say anything)- or the YES man Generals so busy tryna get nuther star they aint got any balls to speak up. (Us real patriots miss and honor you General Shinseki.)

So we not really prepared or defended. Our "leadership" is completely corrupt on both sides of the aisle.- our actual hands -govt agents and ppl in the trenches so sadiddy worried bout staying in play for promotion they wont do shit-
Our nation is essentially bankrupt and stupid enuff to allow taxes to be cut during wartime...

Too sheep-like to speak up for their own liberties is the average white american---
here in Philly my man Ben Franklin said here in teh city of brotherly Love- The cradle of Liberty Philadelphia these fucking prophetic words......
"Those that wouold trade liberty for security - deserve neither."
What middle class white American in thsi fast getting dumber society we live in subscribe to anything the "founding fathers" had the balls for?
Not a lot... even understand it...

I'm just watching this shit unfold.
You heard it here first peeps.

The stupid greedy rich just opened us up like a dead clam- watch the vultures come in.
What caused teh fall of our Roman Empire? greedy ass white ppl and lazy ass white ppl.
plain and simple

posted by africanamericandad at 1:52 PM EDT
Friday, 28 April 2006
American Voters -remember the british paper headline-56million dummies that voted for BUSH...
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: how could 56million American people be so stupid?
Topic: Politics
The American Voter is the most easily duped moron on the entire planet. Everyone with eyes and some modicum of sense could see that George W. Bush was liar and a thief, incompetent and a personal coward. The proverbial "All Hat" New England Ivy League Kinda Texan.
Ivy League- people think its elite- but G W Bush who can hardly even read much less understand it- graduated from there- how elite can it be when Bush got accepted in the first goddamned place? Ivy League pffft.
Nothing elite about it if Bush graduated from there, I mean seriously.
56million voters- Bushites- aint feeling him today- with his polls in the lowest basement that they can get. Incompetance is the message coming outta this WhiteHouse. What have they done for the American People? Let's see- oil Companies crafted our Energy Policy behind closed doors and now gas is literally gone from $1.40 a gallon to $4.00 in some parts of the country- and it isnt even summer yet!
lets see what else? The health care bills written by Drug Companies.... that law that says the Government MAY NOT seek the lowest price for drugs- is just blatant thievery written into Law. I'm still personally flabbergasted by that one. You don't hear one thing about it from the American Voter though...cant get anything more apathetic than that..

What else? Bankruptcy Laws- written by the credit card companies. Made everything easier for them and screwed the American People by making it harder to declare bankruptcy and removing any protections for the american consumer that gets tricked into the high credit card debt by the companies that rule us...

What else? Lets see torture is legal now.
Your very own home can be seized by any commercial willing to pay higher taxes.... nothing from teh American People- nothing...

What else? a confession can be beaten out of you by the police and it's legal, now. (Missed that Supreme Court decision too huh?)

Lets see - wars on sovereign nation can be waged and after the fact the excuse to INVADE is -"the intel was bad." AND thats just it! Oh well.

American citizens can be arrested held without trial for perpetuity now. (Constitution just doesn't rerally matter anymore- oh well- say the American people).

What else? Oh since the President of the United States- doesn't think he has to "enforce the Laws of the United States of America" < his Constitutional responsibility -that he swore to- under his Oath of Office-by the way> well GW BUSH doesn't think he needs to defend our borders "during wartime". The guy does everythign he shouldn't do- and hardly anything that he is Constitutionally obligated to do- and what happens in America the Slogan Country? Well absolutely nothing.

Now the chickens have come home to roost. And the 56 million people that voted for this piece of shit- are
distancing themselves from their boy.
No! Don't do that!
Don't walk away from the highest deficits in United States history. Don't turn your back on the incredible debt you have let this jackass and his (do nothing but steal) Congress have run up. You saw NAFTA didn't work- you you rammed thru CAFTA and now that just made shit terribly terribly worse!

The illegal aliens crawling all over everything and have the audacity to be protesting for their "rights" in a country that they snuck into illegally? (Wait- no don't do shit in your own country- but sneak into our country steal all the jobs and be protesting int eh fucking streets about your rights in my fucking country?) Oh my fucking God. Only in America can some shit like this be happening. Only in America was illegal immigration no big fucking deal when it was just the black Americans getting fucked over by the wetbacks. But now its a big fucking deal when the Mexicans taking all the construction and plant jobs all over the fucking nation- (white ppls jobs) is it a big ass national problem. LOL the shit is amusing me to no end.
Oh America land of kidnapping murdering slave mastering scum Traitors (that treason against the crown that we call the Revolutionary War)- I despair.
But the Mexicans say truthfully that it was their country and we stole it from them.
They are right. See the Mexicans/ Spaniards stole it from teh poor chumps Aztecs mayans etc first! remember? The shit is hilarious.
It makes the present situations like the Israeli palestinian (Palestinian is in lower caps cuz they got took over biotch!)thing more apropo. The arabs forgot they stole the lands they inhabit by the sword and when ppl took it back from them they got pissed.
The whole thing is so damned funny. too bad ppl are dying and shit, huh?
Americans can't remember the last time the BUsh family fucked us all in the ass. (Banking scandals- where the American people footed the bill and the motherfuckers stole billions and are all outta jail now after they had to pay bak at the maximum 10% of what they stole. (Wouldnt you steal billions if you could do 10 years in the slam and still have em when you got out? I fukn would....)
American voters are the stupidest sons and daughters of bitches on the planet and everyone on teh planet knows this. It's no secret.
I wonder how many elcetions Jeb Bush gotta wait for the dumbshit Americans elect him, too? 2 maybe? Lol I'm laughing but you know damned well its true. I wonder what incredible exponentially higher thievery he'll do? Bush has gotten away with almost a trillion in thievery already. And he has 2 more years to rape us.
We get what we deserve- they keep voting to get ass fucked... Oh well.

posted by africanamericandad at 11:05 AM EDT
Monday, 24 April 2006
Bush lies and commits criminal acts and champions illegal behavior. He is a horrible President.
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: George W. Bush has no honor.
Topic: Politics
" I, AfricanAmericanDad, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

I spoke this Federal Military Service Oath on June 29th 1982. I meant it then and I still feel my duty today -over 24 years later. I wish that sorry assed President G.W Bush would remember he spoke this sacred oath, too.
But I'm honor bound to shout this treasonous dog down (in my tiny, sad way- the only option I legally have.). Bush doesn't care about this country. Bush cannot believe one word of the Oath he is honor bound to enforce as Chief Executive of the United States Government. If he believed just one sentence of his Oath- he could not allow millions to enter our Nation undeterred. If Bush had a shred of honor- there is no way in hell 95% of the cargo coming into the USA is uninspected. If President Bush was serious about a commitment to the American Constitution and People he could not allow our Nation to be so humiliated financially with the childish deficits he runs up. If Bush had one iota of decency in himself he would not allow our most precious resource of all- our warriors - to be slaughtered endlessly in Iraq for- essentially nothing- profits for Halliburton. Bush is the lowest, meanest villain in United States history.
I wish ferverently for his time in office to pass so our Nation can be led by decent, honest Americans once more.

posted by africanamericandad at 6:06 PM EDT
Sunday, 23 April 2006
Scott McClellan the White House Press Secretary got fired the other DAy! Wooooot -good riddance to that lying trash!
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Seeya Scott McClellan u lying biotch! All those lies you told for the Party- now your out on your ass!!!
Topic: Politics
Scott McClellan that pompous prick out front for the Bush White House after Ari Fleisher got tired of telling the lies- just got the boot after White House Chief of Staff Andy Card got booted!.... Lets see we got Karl Rove demoted, Card and McClellan fired, Two other White House officials indicted for theft and some other shit and Scooter Libby's lying leaking ass going to jail for sure- the Special Prosecutor caught him lying to the Grand Jury and he's facing 30 years in Federal Penn! Singing hard to get his ass out of a sling- but it isn't working. Libbey named the President as the leaker in charge told him to spread disinformation against the Valerie Plame Family and her husband that went to Niger to confirm whether Saddam Hussein of Iraq war buying yellow cake Uranium for weapons. Turns out Saddam wasn't and when the White House's emissary returned he din't confirm it- he said it was a bald face lie. So they smeared him and his family outted Joe Wilson's CIA wife and got themselves a Special Prosecutor.

posted by africanamericandad at 8:21 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 30 June 2006 7:55 AM EDT
Tuesday, 28 February 2006
United ARAB Emirates running US East Coast ports
Now Playing: Open borders ports run by foreign powers what the fuck is bush and his cutthroat band of thieve doing? jesus help us
Topic: Politics
Bush and his lameass administration again fucking up. Arabs gonna run ports in Philly NYC Miami New Orleans and Baltimore for Christ sake. I'm just done. All for money.... The Mexicans and whoever pour intot he southern border the foreign interests run 80% ports it is just a matter of time before thermonuclear weapons are detonated in the United States of America. Just a matter of time. I mean we are ripe for the plucking- witht he Russians and the Chinese doing join military operations- the Bush dumbasses cant see the writing on the wall but I see it clearly. OUr military forces are being ground to shit in this bullshit war on terror- the terror is being ignored completely- Osama Bin Laden and the boys that attacked us on 9-11 allowed to walk the Earth scot-free unmolested because we refused to fight the war for real in Afghanistan. We never had enuff troops anywhere to effectively do shit- so Osama and his murdering scumbag friends just chilling doing videos laughing their asses off while they plot more diabolical shit.
General SHinseki- where are you? real generals get fired by this batch of idiotic morons in Bush sophomoric regime. Its criminal to not defend the United States of Americas borders and after 9-11 what excuse do they have for not defending the borders and keeping the ports secure? There is no excuse but they will impeach Clintons horny ass for getting head in the White House but do nothing to that lying scumbag bush/cheney and the faggot squadron (Karl Rove is the faggot that was getting sexual fagg services from that so- called news guy that was a porn star)..... Cheney shooting mother fuckers and the guy got shot apologizing for what the Cheney family going thru? He gets shot in head and neck and shoulders and apologizes - Republicanism is scary isnt it?
First things first have bush cheney arrested and charged with treason. THen impeach them both. THen the executions for the high crimes they have committed. Then Condi Rice with her lying ass. And Powell bring him back and make him answer for his lies to the world too- (used to respect Powell -he was my commander when I was still in the Army- not anymore he mouthed them evil lies and knew damned well they were lies.)
After the executions bring Genreal Shinseki back and lets get the Army and Marines and Air Force back to snuff seal the borders have (SInce its wartime-) the Amry and Marines not deployed guarding the border by divisions- completely shut off illegals coming and going. Ports need to be under American control period. We need to reconstiture our military so it can fight again. THen we hunt Osama and ilk globally.
We need to get him and that Zirkawi guy running insurgency in Iraq then we need to leave Iraq. On our way out mass invade Iran from both sides with everything we got pay them bitches back for 1970s stealing our hostages execute all them scmbag imam bitches talking all that shit from the tents. Take the Iranian oil en toto. And deal with our enemies seriously starting with MEXICO they been fobbing thier brokeass people here for 50 years it needs to stop they need to pay for what their citizenry have taken from MAerica and American power and prestige needs to be reassumed.
Enuff is enuff.
Arabs get a clue- having civil war tween Sunni and Shiite benefits who? Israel- u stupid bastards are falling right into the Israelis hands. these dumbasses forgot all about the palestine being ripped off.
They are bunch a suckers the arabs look at them. they cant do shit right.

posted by africanamericandad at 7:09 PM EST
Wednesday, 20 July 2005
john Roberts- for Supreme Court Justice
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: this guy isn't that controvertial- so lay off him.
Topic: Politics
He isn't some outspoken idealogue. He obviously isn't some crazy lunatic like bork was. But he's my kinda conservative- prolife etc.

Let me say this about abortion- I know there are blowhards that are concerned about "life" (While 4 the death penalty -and having millions more uncared for children all over the place... phony hypocrites in other words...) but I'm a big believer in treating people that are old enuff to engage in sex- with the reality of their actions. To wit, if a man and woman lay down together- biologically its no damned surprise if someone gets pregnant. So my views on "CHOICE" end after you've opened your legs and welcomed the pleasures of sex. It is criminally, morally and ethically evil to murder the human being created with consensual sex- after you have done the deed. Your 'choice' ends ladies, after you open your legs. Roe vs Wade should be struck down- and the killing of human life for mere convenience or whatever other rationalized reasons is evil. You had a "choice" b4 you opened your legs for sex. Your choice ends then. If you get pregnant -so be it. And if you do not want to get pregnant keep your fucking legs closed or take some other precautions like birth control or whatever. If your measures do not work- the option for killing another human being should not be. In short - if you cannot afford to feed, clothe and care for the human being that probably will be created if you have sex- then you should not be having sex.
Good luck Justice Roberts. The democrats will try and block and they will posture- but your in there buddy. Don't make law from the bench, dude. Get in there and do your job- your a top notch pick. Bush usually doesn't do anything right but ur right on target.

posted by africanamericandad at 9:29 AM EDT
Monday, 11 July 2005
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor resigning
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: I used to want moderates on the court- now... no thanks.
Topic: Politics
Justice O'Connor is leaving and the scramble to find a new justice begins in earnest. Not everyday that you gotta pick a Supreme Court Nominee or three- so Bush's staff is getting their act together for the inevitable showdown with the Democrats over whomever it is they will nominate. The spectre of a filibuster looms but I really doubt that the Dems can successfully pull off a filibuster in light of the moderate Justices' recent "Eminent Domain" 'decision' (which reeked). THe average American is quite irritated with the damned jackasses on the Court that came up with that doozy decision (which essentially states that one private entity can take another private entity's home/property if they get in good with the city or local government -all for the'public good' of course. So in effect- anyones property can be seized by anyone with some good connections- whatta lowlife crock of shit that is!
Anyway a replacement is necessary and the silly assed Democrats will protest and footdrag etc.. until the Bush nominee actually goes onto the Court.
The Democrats power is severely truncated under this Congress- because the Republicans don't allow them any grace at all. It isn't very nice to watch my party (GOP) lord it over them- but they (Dems) lost the election (again) so now they have to suck it up.
Post "Emminent Domain" decision.... I got to thinking. Would it be so bad if abortion was no longer the norm? Killing babies then calling it choice- (how about all your choice ends after you open your legs the fuck up, ladies? Murdering conceived children and insisting that you have the right to do it is obscene.)I am in favor of abortion- to save the life of the mother or in case of incest, however.
What else? Not much else- liberal judges are in bad odor around these parts for awhile. I really cannot imagine things getting worse on the Court after their latest bizarre ruling- so how about we let Bush appoint his people. Even if he is a liar and a thief- his staff will probably pick some judges that won't pass damned fool rulings onto the American people like thais last pieca shit Court did.
We need an independent investigator to track the war profiteering and graft taking place under everyones noses over at the Pentagon and in Halliburton and all its subsidiaries. And another impeachment proceedings against Bush and his evil henchman Cheney.

posted by africanamericandad at 3:35 PM EDT

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