African American Dad in Philly says:
Friday, 21 July 2006
looking at my blogs lately _I look like some kinda radical
Now Playing: But in reality I'm a fed-up Conservative Republican veteran
Topic: Politics

I'm for truth Justice and the American Way.

But truth gets skewed, blurred and outright broken in two and Frankensteined into lies and treacherous misleading horshit- by the people running the dialog/manipulating the global situation/ war profiteering etc...

Living in America is like the Twilight Zone episode that never ends.

I'm black and American but I can be shot dead in this country- imprisoned with a kangaroo court trial(they will have a practically all-white jury for sure)- for any crime whatso ever. Accused of drug dealing, terrorism or anything whatsoever- and who in our main stream culture would care? No one.

In a world where our government "promotes" democracy- at the point of a tank or gun or airstrikes- yet ignores or will have no dealings with democratically elected governments that it doesnt like- Democracy is touted and shouted- yet in our own America elections are ROUTINELY stolen- we use "electronic voting booths- with NO PAPER TRAIL" no accountablility whatsoever- DIEBOLD machines anyone can program in thrity seconds- 

No democracy in America for me with the worst schools in the civilized world teaching our kids to go to prison. No democracy where the voice of true Americans is drowned out by the APAC Jewish lobby- that really controls USA Armed Forces. No democracy where the only job you can find is working at McDonald's for $6 bucks and hour ONLY PART TIME 20 hours a week or at WALMART for the same pay and ZERO benefits - and thats called a fucking JOB.

There is no democracy where you can be murdered by the POLICE STATE, there is no democracy where any crime you are accused of you can be imprisoned for, no democracy where your vote doesn't even get counted...

Our country the so-called superpower/ the Emperor with no clothes... that  says one thing while doing entirely something else. Our glibly lying American government that yearly tricks taxpayers with tricks and gimmicks our democracy is a lie.

The American Citizens scream for the country to be protected, the borders closed, the ports checked and secured. This is not done. The borders to this very day are wide open. The poor from our southern neighbors (and anyone else that feels like it) come through whenever they please and nothing is done. Our ports are run by foreign companies routinely. So our safety is effectively in the hands of foreigners.

We the people are sold out to the extent that the Government feels quite free to ignore our pleas and exhortations for common sense to prevail on issues such as our very safety, our jobs and our way of life being eroded by the invasions happening in front of us all. Yet we continue to elect these same thieving rats. Why? Because the election machines themselves are rigged.

"America- land of the free, home of the brave" ? Nah- more like "America land of the economic slaves, market of the conniving business interests".

We are turning before our own eyes into a third world nation- school haven't just gotten bad- in the overlooked ghettos they have been this way for three decades or more- but now its become pervasive (and subsequently a national concern....), drugs that have for decades been used to pacify/destroy the ghetto communities are now inundating white communities and its a big concern all of a sudden! METH, EcsTASY- are drugs that predominately white kids use so its a big deal- NOW...

Illegal immigration and the eroding of black and minority jobs that had been ignored for decades has suddenly blown out of proportion in the media because white middle class american jobs at factories and plants that never wanted American born minorities are hiring the millions of illegals that work for pennies and no benefits-(because they dont deserve to wor here legally and can't get the low wages they get here- they are happy to work- glibly illegals say Americans are lazy- because they won't work for minimum wage and no benefits at a job that has backbreaking labor or menial work-who would work for minimum wage under these conditions?)  Our good old USA is corrupt- the rich are getting richer- and the rest of us are getting buttfucked.

You seen the excuses this week on the deficit? "Defits are not really important" they fucking tell us this week- 20 years my Republican party has been screaming about deficits but when Republicans are in power they "Cut and RUN"

Cut taxes and RUN up the deficit and National Debt. It is criminal to give your frieds tax cuts int eh millions of dollars per year- and give the rest of us a "tax cut" of $100 dollars-a tank of gas? While running up what our nation owes in the trillions of $dollars? How can you cut taxes- money coming in - during war time when your are spending hundreds of billions of dollars? How can you glibly explain away the debt that is owed? This is not a sustainable economic policy- a child can see that making projections higher than the criminal amount that our government spends -then later in the year saying "Wow our economic policies are working! When the projected deficits are less than the bloated projections you make are actually less- yet the fucking DEBT-money we honestly owe is added to in the trillions of dollars? Our grandchildren will still be paying for this Phony Christmas Spending Spree.  There will be such a global  downturn and recession such as never before been seen- how do I know- we have never in our nations history been so irresponsible with our Treasury.  So the Depression of  the late 20's will return and with all the illegals- there won't even be any work for real Americans - God please fucking help us?

Please let this irresponsible thieving ass Administration be struck by lightning and die- Lord knows our great nation is being brought low by this scumbag pirate crew- led by Dufus Dubya and That great spider thief DICK cheney. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:22 PM EDT

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