African American Dad in Philly says:
Saturday, 29 July 2006
American Traitors wearing Israeli colors -all over the TV
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: People that have another country's best interests-and not our own- running every tv show
Topic: Israeli Domination

They keep saying- this is in Americas interest- how in the hell is it in our interest to be the most hated country in the world- by replacing the Israelis with that dubious "honor"?

Why are we the most hated country in the world- simple- we are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Our Presidents stand on podiums around the world spouting lies that NO ONE BELIEVES. We talk about freedom all the time- but there isn't any in AMERICA- have you noticed our phones are all tapped? Our mail is monitored? The books we read ? THe web pages we surf? What we watch on TV?  For fucks sake - most of the "Electronic" voting booths in state after state- county after county -are fucking rigged.... they don't even try to fake it- the American People want paper trail on the ballots- the politicos want Electronic- "programmable" voting... Democracy has been dead in America for over 10 years.

Tell me what aspect of our lives is NOT monitored by the Government- then tell me we have fucking freedom! It's bullshit.

Our Presidents are always saying how Israel is our friend- our good friend kills our citizens, our good friend attacks our ships, our good friend spies on us regularly- in that we have counter-intelligence groups designed to foil them- our good friend has Political lobby groups operating in our country every day influencing all the debate- our good friends own every Jewish Senator and Congressman( name one Jewish Congressman/Senator that isn't in lockstep with everything Israel does or wants- (which one of them DOESN't visit Israel for their marching orders every year or so?). We filled to the brim with Israeli spies and collaborationists own our Newspapers, TV Stations and Business Interests & the goddamned Government.

Our Presidents have always lied saying that we the US was an honest powerbroker in the Israeli Palestinian conflict- everyone on this planet knows thats a lie. how can you be an honest broker when most of the deals done are made by American Jewish diplomats and Secretaries of State -dealing with the Arabs? You think the Arabs don't know the US Representatives are mostly all Jews? picture this- Jews in Israel and Jews In USA on one side- Palestinians who have been robbed of their land, homes and lives on the other side. Who on the planet doesn't see it?

They hate us because we are liars .... They hate us because our troops and planes used by US and Israelis) are bombing them -decade after decade. They hate us because we come from all the way over here in USA across the world to stick our big ass noses into their affairs across the other side of the planet- they resent us for coming around the planet- and minding their business. They hate us because we are pathological liars and we support and defend the people that have done them wrong for over 50 years.

I heard a midwestern idiot saying this- " If they used nuclear weapons on us, their country would be a smoking hole since we ahve 10,000 weapons."

I pose this hypothetical- the same government that doesn't know for a solid week-that its own citizens are dying on US soil from the biggest hurricane ever to hit the USA-  that government- is going to figure out who nuked us? If the bomb isnt attached to a intercontinental ballistic missile -if its man packed into our country say- across the wide open southern border- that allows millions of mexicans in every years (that border)- how the fuck they gonna know who nuked us? How? Are you kidding me? Are you attached to the same reality as the rest of us?

The American people waiting on this government would be well and truly royally fucked. There is no plan in place by the Department of Homeland Incompetance- hurricane Katrina and its incompetant Administrators are every one still in place "running things"  so those same jackasses that couldn't figure out our people were in trouble during the hurricane Katrina debacle- are going to be able to handle a nuclear attack? with radioctive fallout? massive millions of people needing irradiation? Please that group of incompetant liars couldnt evacuate a parking lot if they had the fucking keys to every car in the ignition.

So following Israel down this path of death and destruction is going to end up with us having millions dead- which I suspect is the israeli plan. USE AMERICA as asafety valve to let off some of the heat from themselves. Did you notice during the Iraq War- that massive suicide bombing in Israel dropped to absolutely nothing?  I did

Just Say No to: ISRAEL 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:27 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 August 2006 10:09 AM EDT
Thursday, 27 July 2006
Hezbollah- Hamas and all the rest unite- oh shit.
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: you know if they hit us in USA our incompetant govt -gonna leave us in the lurch
Topic: Politics

SHit- I'm worried- Everyone knows if you actually need them- our own gvt- is the most incompetant on the planet. We cant beat resistance ppl in Iraq- (cuz they are too stupid to listen to General Shinseki- who said we need 300k plus troops)....

We cant save our own ppl for an entire week- we let them die- and foul shit to happen in Katrina. We know the govt lies everyday about how the economy is doing- its a wreck thats been covered over with a sheet.-

Now The fucking AlQueda and the rest in the Middle Easat are banding together beyond their diffrences- and we going to take some heat.

I'm worried- I hope them assholes dont hit Philly. We know bush-'s stupid ass and his piece of shit government isnt prepared for a damned thing and we gonna take it up teh ass.

Maybe we should look at the weather patterns and see where the fallout from the nukes wont go- and get our families there.

Vancouver, British Columbia- is far west- wind blows from teh westerly- so likelihood of radioactive fallout will be minimal....

 I think we have a few years b4 the shit hits Chernobyl style.... Get ready everyone- you know shit well our govt isnt gonna react for us until it s way too late. So make your own plans for your family.

Our mindless following of them stupid ass willful Jews in the Middle East are the source of every current problem that we fucking have... 

posted by africanamericandad at 4:20 PM EDT
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Israel Kills 5 UN unarmed observers in 10 days
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: israelis claim its an accident- but the observation post been there 30 years
Topic: Israeli Domination

Israelis murder using precision guided munitions -given to them by my evil jewish led government. The united Nations people are encouraged to leave the area- (when UN troops get blown away in -oops an accident) after being called repaetedly by UN Force Command in the region- telling Israelis to shift their fire- -NEXT Day and Airstrike pinpoint bombs the UN -unarmed observers-.

Kofi Annan says "apparently" they were purposefully targetted.

Israel does this alot- USS Liberty and lots of folks...

Remember Rachel Corrie?    Anyone under Israeli guns can find himself dead- and who even chatises these criminal? No one. USA with its UN veto power blocks the entire World from censoring or making Israel toe the line on UN resolutions. Israel is shielded by the USA even when Israel attacks US citizens or ships. It is absurd how the rotten Zionists control our government.

The Lebanese citizens murdered today -I heard the suffering (on the Jewish apologist CNN -yeah I know shocked me too) I was moved to tears hearing the screaming wounded of a ten story apartment building blown to bits by USA built- Israeli Smart Bombs. 

Murdering dogs. I hope the Arabs get their shit together. This shit shouldn't be allowed to continue. Destruction of any prosperity near the stolen lands of Israel is the purpose of all these warcrimes committed against the Democratic peoples of Lebanon. 

Our phony assed GW Bush led government has its point man Condi Rice ignoring the uproar from around the war as they refuse to call their israeli dogs to heel. Seems they will allow the israelis to continue showing the Lebanese and Palestinians the "good will" they feel for them- by continuaing to murder by the hundreds daily- and reduce the water, electrical power plants and any sort of nfrastructure that the Lebanese people could need to continue as a sovereign State. 

Watching US tv from Philly- I see CNN 90% of the anchors and reporters we see covering the situation in the middle east are JEWS. ???? I mean what the fuck?  We get the slanted bullshit of the thieving Israelis uncomfortable as the Freedom Fighters try and fight the Armed and Armored "David" - as their own lands are invaded again anad again by these israeli bullies. I grit my teeth watching American jews in NY complain about a power outage- yet I think of how much hotter it isin the Middle East- whos power grids havent been blacked out- but completely destroyd by the israeli thugs for what a year?

God- you gotta stop these scum bags from murdering. This shit aint right. 

posted by africanamericandad at 3:13 PM EDT
Friday, 21 July 2006
looking at my blogs lately _I look like some kinda radical
Now Playing: But in reality I'm a fed-up Conservative Republican veteran
Topic: Politics

I'm for truth Justice and the American Way.

But truth gets skewed, blurred and outright broken in two and Frankensteined into lies and treacherous misleading horshit- by the people running the dialog/manipulating the global situation/ war profiteering etc...

Living in America is like the Twilight Zone episode that never ends.

I'm black and American but I can be shot dead in this country- imprisoned with a kangaroo court trial(they will have a practically all-white jury for sure)- for any crime whatso ever. Accused of drug dealing, terrorism or anything whatsoever- and who in our main stream culture would care? No one.

In a world where our government "promotes" democracy- at the point of a tank or gun or airstrikes- yet ignores or will have no dealings with democratically elected governments that it doesnt like- Democracy is touted and shouted- yet in our own America elections are ROUTINELY stolen- we use "electronic voting booths- with NO PAPER TRAIL" no accountablility whatsoever- DIEBOLD machines anyone can program in thrity seconds- 

No democracy in America for me with the worst schools in the civilized world teaching our kids to go to prison. No democracy where the voice of true Americans is drowned out by the APAC Jewish lobby- that really controls USA Armed Forces. No democracy where the only job you can find is working at McDonald's for $6 bucks and hour ONLY PART TIME 20 hours a week or at WALMART for the same pay and ZERO benefits - and thats called a fucking JOB.

There is no democracy where you can be murdered by the POLICE STATE, there is no democracy where any crime you are accused of you can be imprisoned for, no democracy where your vote doesn't even get counted...

Our country the so-called superpower/ the Emperor with no clothes... that  says one thing while doing entirely something else. Our glibly lying American government that yearly tricks taxpayers with tricks and gimmicks our democracy is a lie.

The American Citizens scream for the country to be protected, the borders closed, the ports checked and secured. This is not done. The borders to this very day are wide open. The poor from our southern neighbors (and anyone else that feels like it) come through whenever they please and nothing is done. Our ports are run by foreign companies routinely. So our safety is effectively in the hands of foreigners.

We the people are sold out to the extent that the Government feels quite free to ignore our pleas and exhortations for common sense to prevail on issues such as our very safety, our jobs and our way of life being eroded by the invasions happening in front of us all. Yet we continue to elect these same thieving rats. Why? Because the election machines themselves are rigged.

"America- land of the free, home of the brave" ? Nah- more like "America land of the economic slaves, market of the conniving business interests".

We are turning before our own eyes into a third world nation- school haven't just gotten bad- in the overlooked ghettos they have been this way for three decades or more- but now its become pervasive (and subsequently a national concern....), drugs that have for decades been used to pacify/destroy the ghetto communities are now inundating white communities and its a big concern all of a sudden! METH, EcsTASY- are drugs that predominately white kids use so its a big deal- NOW...

Illegal immigration and the eroding of black and minority jobs that had been ignored for decades has suddenly blown out of proportion in the media because white middle class american jobs at factories and plants that never wanted American born minorities are hiring the millions of illegals that work for pennies and no benefits-(because they dont deserve to wor here legally and can't get the low wages they get here- they are happy to work- glibly illegals say Americans are lazy- because they won't work for minimum wage and no benefits at a job that has backbreaking labor or menial work-who would work for minimum wage under these conditions?)  Our good old USA is corrupt- the rich are getting richer- and the rest of us are getting buttfucked.

You seen the excuses this week on the deficit? "Defits are not really important" they fucking tell us this week- 20 years my Republican party has been screaming about deficits but when Republicans are in power they "Cut and RUN"

Cut taxes and RUN up the deficit and National Debt. It is criminal to give your frieds tax cuts int eh millions of dollars per year- and give the rest of us a "tax cut" of $100 dollars-a tank of gas? While running up what our nation owes in the trillions of $dollars? How can you cut taxes- money coming in - during war time when your are spending hundreds of billions of dollars? How can you glibly explain away the debt that is owed? This is not a sustainable economic policy- a child can see that making projections higher than the criminal amount that our government spends -then later in the year saying "Wow our economic policies are working! When the projected deficits are less than the bloated projections you make are actually less- yet the fucking DEBT-money we honestly owe is added to in the trillions of dollars? Our grandchildren will still be paying for this Phony Christmas Spending Spree.  There will be such a global  downturn and recession such as never before been seen- how do I know- we have never in our nations history been so irresponsible with our Treasury.  So the Depression of  the late 20's will return and with all the illegals- there won't even be any work for real Americans - God please fucking help us?

Please let this irresponsible thieving ass Administration be struck by lightning and die- Lord knows our great nation is being brought low by this scumbag pirate crew- led by Dufus Dubya and That great spider thief DICK cheney. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:22 PM EDT
READ Alexander Cockburn's piece in
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Http://
Topic: Israeli Domination

Alexander Cockburn- talks about Hezbollah, Hamas,"FREEDOM FIGHTERS" - and how they are trying to get their peoples' homes back from the Thieving Israelis.

He talks about the American media apologist dogs getting 25:1 time on air and how things are going to go. Cockburn clues us all in on the historical facts about what has gone on- how they plopped the Jews into these peoples land and moved em out at gunpoint and make excuses about how the Land is theirs from 2000 years ago- totally absurd. Cockburn is fierce talking about how you trip over the thousands and thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian bodies that the Israelis have killed recently. His outrage is blazing and he details the actual facts about how the murderous thieving Israelis dont even give a shit about the people they slaughter in their quest to stamp out so called "terrorists" who are trying to fight off the Israeli thieve s that have stolen their homes -their livelihoods, their dignity, their families.

{WARNING: this site is reality. It shows Israeli girls writing messages on Israeli/American bombs and artillery shells- then you see the actual devastation the death and destruction- the pictures are so fresh the people are still literally burning- you see the real Palestinian/Lebanese children and women blown up- reality is horrific- Pretty Jewish girls writing messages to the Arabs- and seeing that message in reality- I'm a veteran of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne and the pictures unsettled me some as well as brought back some memories...  so beware- theres no lies here but the reality isn't pleasant)

Cockburn gives us this link its horrific- the truth is- 

"" for more sourcing. 

(((the link works! If you get an error message try again! You know how "some" people try and block sites- and put teh snafu on good shit- that link works! Usually I have to refresh the page 2ce b4 it mysteriously starts working!!)))

You can't argue with the goddamned truth.

Listening to the lying ass Israelis and their apologists all over the media saying - we care about the Lebanese people- while they blow up every bridge, every power plant, every road, every airport, every equipment and way to make money is being systematically destroyed by these liars.

They love the Lebanese People- the Israelis say- as they destroy everything that makes them Lebanon a society (which was flourishing recently....democratically and financially).

Check out the links! Powerful shit! True shit! 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:12 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 21 July 2006 8:36 AM EDT
Thursday, 20 July 2006
I set up a way for viewers to COMMENT
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: You can comment on my shit- say what you like I do
Topic: Weblogs are great!

Save death threats and shit though thats corny- I'll look at your IP address and forward that kinda shit to the FBI (ip address is your computers phone number- even if you phony it up the FBI can trace you via your ISP)

Have a position- say what the fuck you wanna. I will read all the comments I can- and post back something if I think its interesting.

And My mind isnt really narrow- I can be won over with a good argument. 

posted by africanamericandad at 11:09 AM EDT
Arab Israeli conflict in a nut shell
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Steal it then defend it.
Topic: Politics

Late 1947


Palestine is invaded by millions of Jews.  The Arabs living there for two thousand years are shot, stabbed- moved out at gunpoint. Hundreds of thousands (is not millions) of people- refugees.

 Fact: 1967

THe Arabs tried and failed to remove these thieves who have invaded and stolen the land.

Fact: the Israelis stole Palestine


THieves come in the night and take your home- you and your sons and daughters and wife are thrown out of your ancestral home. The thieves cliam they have a right to the land you and your family have lived in for 20 centuries.The thieves are supported by a large SUPERPOWER (full of supporters and family of the THIEVES).

What would you do if people came tomorrow to throw you and your family into the street? Tell me you wouldnt fight for your home?

You know what you would be called if your tried to keep the fight on for your families home- with the media dominated by thievish groups? You would be called a terrorist. Really- trying to boot the stinking thieves from your home- you would be called a terrorist.

And Americans always wonder why these people cannot stand us... THen calling what we do JuSTICE and DEMOCRACY! Its obscene.


posted by africanamericandad at 10:41 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2006 10:56 AM EDT
Gonna have to stop watching the Jewish Network- C-span
Now Playing: C-span parades one jew after the other -guest after guest same bias
Topic: Israeli Domination

I'm sick of it.

Looking around for some real shows or a forum where the  American people aren't fed a crock of bias. C-span is done - i cant take it anymore. I've emailed em a hundred times to stop parading jews on both sides of every question- its obscene.

It's hard to balance how I feel  about Jews- when they just invade everything that we see. THe obscene part is how they have everything locked up tight.

If this is the same kinda shit they have been doing down thru the ages- dominating all the media and commerce- no wonder they get periodically purged. I mean damned its nauseating how pervasive they are.

Spot a Jew/Semite easily- they each have a nose- the nose grows between the eyes out of the forhead.  Names like Finkelstein etc are easy to spot but names can be changed- the nose groing out of th eforehead cant be hidden except with horned rim glasses that many affect to hide the prominent nose. But you can still spot them.

posted by africanamericandad at 10:40 AM EDT
War on Terror- Afghanistan _Real Wa r_ neglected
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Stupid Bush- allowing our real enemies to gain foothold
Topic: Afghanistan-real war

Jackass Bush is allowing the Taliban to return and gain foot holds in Afghanistan. We have like 15,000 troops or less there- spread out over the whole country. The drug Heroin is growing in profusity and nothing is being done- because dumbass Bush has our troops ketting blown up in Iraq- (for no good reason)... Meanwhile teh real enemies of America are gaining strength.

Article on BBCNEWS here>>>> Afghanistan debacle Nato needs more troops there 

USA BUSh fucking up again as usual.

WHat a dumbasshole!

He doesnt do anything right. His whole administration is full of noobs and fuckups. 

posted by africanamericandad at 10:32 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2006 10:33 AM EDT
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
Embryonic Stemcells
Now Playing: C-span at it again- both guests- for and against- Jewish- it's incredible

I really and truly have nothing against Jews- but damned-I think they have a way too disportionate influence on everything we Americans see and hear on a daily basis.

 How is it that 1% of the USA population has 80% of the points of views discussed daily on every media we view?

Stem cells- the fundamentalists say using stem cells is killing  human life...

But where did they get them? What will happen to them if them if  they are not used? Trash- dead.

All these fundamentalist religious freaks have this "Sanctity of Life" bullshit mantra- but they are for the Death Penalty and every war that pops up. Its obscenely hypocritical- but the liars always have some weird dichotomy- that they glibly explain away. They love life so much- they dont want abortions (neither do I- yeah I'm anti-abortion-but not hypocritical about it)- they love life so much- but they dont do shit for the babies we actually have here today. The fucking kids that need families here in USA are always there in group homes/orphanages- but where do the fucking people go? ASIA/EUROPE etc- they leave the AMERICAN children to be raised in these fucked up creepy orphanages- but the patriotic Americans we got could give a fuck.

Moral of this story? THe middle class religious right lunatics are some bible thumping assholes. Your all for life- but you are for war and death and dont do shit for people that are actually born. So suck my big black dick.

Stinking phony bastards. 

posted by africanamericandad at 7:41 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 18 July 2006 7:55 AM EDT
Sunday, 16 July 2006
Kenny Boy- dead or not dead? -Too convenient by half-
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Ken Lay Conveneiently dies just b4 his sentence is about to be handed down
Topic: Enron crook escapes TIME

AP story talks about it

Click the link above^

Oh and they quickly cremated the body.....  ?!@#$%!

Please... now the move to make is watch his wife. For next couple years. Where she goes he'll be. you know the drill. 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:11 AM EDT
Saturday, 15 July 2006
Ken Lay the thief of ENRON suddenly and CONVENIENTLY DIES-
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Ken Lay Dead- but who poked the body? You know damned well...
Topic: Americans are the cause.

Ken Lay is on a private beach where the thieving rich disappear to.

 No way he is conveniently dead just b4 his sentencing hearing.

THat fucker is gone from teh news media faster than i can snap my fingers- the fix is in... Only in America can the lying ass press that reports nothing about whats really going on- they didnt investigate shit.

I say we open his coffin and drive a couple of stakes thru that lying thieving scum bags heart then burn him slowly.

That pussy isn't dead. 

posted by africanamericandad at 6:42 PM EDT
Thursday, 13 July 2006
Delicious- Web bookmarks that never get lost!
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Tired of losing all your fucking bookmarks when ur windows crashes- reinstalls? Use this!
Topic: Web Surfing Necessities
Delicious Permanent Web Bookmarks -
sign up for this- its web essential. I use FireFox browserFirefox as my browser for the last few years (IE 6 was just bugware city-always getting hi-jacked)....

I use firefox with a plugin to download all the videos I can see on "Youtube"
you need a .flv player (flash video player) to see the downloaded movies -in google type in: .flv player
and voila you install it then watch the youtube vids...

posted by africanamericandad at 9:58 AM EDT
Jewish Domination of our American Media wont show whats really happening
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: The other side of the Story going down in the Middle East
Topic: Islamic Side of the Story
Electronic Intifada .comElectronic Intifada - gives you up close and personal view of reality in Middle East- our news doesnt show the 40 people blown up to get one Palestinian Militant- these guys show just how Nazi- the Jews have gotten themselves after they said "Never Again"- I guess never again only applies to themselves. They doing some evil shit to maintain their State. But when u steal someones land and keep it- and they want it back- what u expectem to do?

posted by africanamericandad at 9:47 AM EDT
New Rule#1
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: USA bombs u- U don't get your country fixed with American Dollars!
Topic: New Rules
New Rule- if you piss our nation off so bad- I propose a new LAW: USA TAX Dollars DOES NOT GO TOWARD FIXING REPAIRING or NATION BUILDING any place that we need to take military action against.

It is ridiculous to bomb em back to the Stone Age then rebuild thier shit to the 21st Century Standard. Why in hells name would we bomb a country then fix the shit up- it is beyond absurd.

Let any nation with the balls to stand against us- take the consequences of being bombed -destroyed fucked up by us- and realize that no magic is going to happen to rebuild.
I take the Israeli method of blow it up-bomb it shit on it- and then leave it fucked. (Everything the Jews in Israel do -isnt bad....)

Wreck their shit then leave it wrecked- will teach other nations that its not a good idea to fuck with Bad Ass USA.

posted by africanamericandad at 9:36 AM EDT
Republicans trying to change the Voting Rights Act....
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Republicans don't want the additional scrutiny the VRA requires down South...
Topic: Politics

The Republicans havent been able to rig elections down South in a long time- the Voter Rights Act. The changes they proposed would relax scrutiny... You know the fix would be back in again- in a hot fucking minute. Screw that- if it aint broke -don't try and fuckit up.

Please- the sneaky low down crackers down South dont want that extra scrutiny that kept them from "putting the fix in"- those crackers pretend they just want to make  changes in the Voters Rights Act- but we see right through them low account trashes evil plans .....

Hell "gerrymandering" districts into the tailored obscene looking geographic monstrocities that they are now- wasn't enough? 

posted by africanamericandad at 9:15 AM EDT
Anyone Noticing Israeli Influence in our Govenrment is an anti-semite?
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: One of the tactics used by Pro Jewish operatives is to attack credibility of anyone that questions them.
Topic: Israeli Domination

If you say anything about jews that they don't like- you are labeled "anti-semite".

They can say whatever they please- but you must toe some imaginary line and any comments you make about jews or israeli policies/influences in OUR OWN Government-- must be vetted by them.


Hogwash! Fuck them pussies... I don't know who the fuck they think they are- but they got shit real twisted when they tell me what I can and cannot say- that I must meet some fucking test of thiers in order to speak on the bullshit they are promulgating.


One Israeli soldier taken prisoner (Israel has thousands of Palestinian prisoners...)- and the Israelis have invaded Gaza and now they have invaded another sovereign nation Lebanon!  These motherfuckers are off the chain. These dogs that have stolen the Palestinians land and oppressed them sorry assed people for 4 decades- are now invading willynilly-

Or is it ? Theres a plan in place- you know them jews aint going off half cocked doing anything.... They are accusing Iran and Syria while they have their foot on Palestine and Lebanon again... whats the Plan in place? This shit is going to kick off alotta violence int eh middle east just in time for our ELECTIONS- you see the plan coming into fruition? Escalating violence just as our election season starts....  

posted by africanamericandad at 9:00 AM EDT
Friday, 7 July 2006
C-span has Media talking about itself
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Nobody noticed that all the Journalists were every1- Jewish.
Topic: Israeli Domination

All the people at the table talking about the issues and -what and why print media was so sorry in our country- they did everything but answer the questions posed to them. It was quite entertaining let me tell you.

My emailed question to Mrs Hirshfeld-Davis- asking her too look around at the other media guests and see the one thing they ALL had in common- Jewish ethnicity- ....they musta missed my really pertinent question. 

Earlier in the show a caller gave all viewers a tidbit about Israeli Military attacking a US Navy ship- 1967- killing 38 americans wounding 160- nearly destroying a 40million dollar ship- it never did a mission after that- sold for scrap $101k...

No one even ever reprimanded in Israel for the murder of Americans and destruction of our ship. 


USS Liberty attacked Americans killed nearly 200 wounded- 

posted by africanamericandad at 10:05 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 7 July 2006 10:17 AM EDT
Thursday, 6 July 2006
I give Jews shit because I see em manipulatin shit-
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: The are smashing up everything Hamas govt owns in PAlestine- to keep the palestinians down another decade or so-
Topic: Israeli Domination
Systematic destruction of the Palestinian Infrastructure- the electrical stations all the police and government offices- they destroy everything to keep the stupid palestinians screwed up- so they cant get their shit together. Palestinians are decade after decade squabbling chickens scratching each others eyes out over crumbs international community doles to them to play the game- then israel on one pretext or other destroys everything- neat system.

posted by africanamericandad at 2:43 PM EDT
Jew tenacity and can do- its built into em
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: 1% running everything of importance- irritates tho- so they get crushed regularly over the ages
Topic: Israeli Domination
The single minded intensity of the all for 1 1 for all metality is breathtaking in its complete scope.
The "chosen people-" -in their own minds at least,have a system to rise to the top from the ashes of their own hubris again and and again.
They are fabulous to watch- 1% rising to the top only to fall everytime because they are so proud- and thus far too stupid to relax a bit- they cant help dominating the culture they inhabit. Its bred into them.. but they always fall

posted by africanamericandad at 2:34 PM EDT

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