African American Dad in Philly says:
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
Some slimy Americans utter the phrase-

Better to "fight them over there- than here"

Well I was watching an Iraqi woman on the news-who objects to this callous and evil way of thinking. The Iraqi woman said:

"We had no terrorism until the Americans came. Saddam did not permit terrorism of any kind- Al-Queda was not here until the Americans came. Why would you say you are here for my freedom but you force this evil way of life upon us-by making it so unsafe you cannot go out of doors? Where anytime of day when you are shopping you can be blown to bits? Why would you be so evil as to impose this dreadful uncertain existence upon us?"

Only a scumbag would say some cheap slogan like "fight them over there not here"- because its just a fucking slogan. There is absolutely nothing stopping Al-Queda or anyone else from walking across any of our phony borders since 9-11. Bush and his thieving pirates could care less about our actual security. Do you really think that if we were attacked by foreign powers on 9-11- that they would leave the fucking borders open? No they would not. The ports would be checked 100% - but we weren't attacked on 9-11 by foreigners- it was Bush and his thieving friends and family that set that peice of masterful misdirection up. How else do you think they can cheerfully spend hundreds of billions of dollars on Iraq/Halliburton? Because they know damned well that no foreign powers are coming in- nothing else makes sense.

9-11>>>>> Twin Towers fell- but building 7 in the trade complex fell too- it wasnt crashed into at all- no explanation why it fell (other than the Securities and Exchange Commission criminal records were kept there! And all the gold under the Trade Center is mysteriously missing.- And the Pentagon crash- 174 foot wide 737 crashed into a 20 foot wide hole and disappeared wings engines all crammed into a 20 foot hole. And the video taken from every camera in Washington DC that had film in it taken by the FBI- why? You know why. THe whole thing is bullshit. Verisimilitude is a fine word to describe the entire deal. Ain't it?

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posted by africanamericandad at 7:31 AM EDT

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