African American Dad in Philly says:
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
CBS show Survivor - next show has evened racial teams!

The way it was before was a sea of white with a single black dot- kudos CBS!!!

I'm gonna start watching more CBS

The advertisers that pull out I'm boycotting- This country is usually full of shit as far as race was concerned- but enough black people complained to CBS about how unfair their show was to minorities- who had to simper and kiss the white majorities butts to stay on the show. CBS made the shit fair and square and I'm going to support them by watching more of their programming and punish those advertisers that drop CBS by not buying their shit! And being a father of a tribe with lots of family and friends and being a block captain and active politically- my section of Philly is gonna follow suit.

It's about fucking time!

Way to go CBS!!!!!!!

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posted by africanamericandad at 8:10 PM EDT
The War has cost us our Troops useless deaths and our Treasury
Now Playing: Cost of the Iraq War and Counting>>> Thanks for the counter EK!
Topic: Illegal War


Just a damned shame! 

posted by africanamericandad at 5:24 PM EDT
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
When we finally leave- we can thank BUSH for wasting our money and troops on this disaster

Bush spends nearly a trillion bankrupts America so the Iranians can win? What a fucking dope.

Iran and Iraq- BUSh is a uniter after all- the Jackass spent almost a trillion and what did we get? nearly 3000 of USA finest fighting men and women dead and over 20,000 of our finest warriors limbs blown off -- for what?

So the people we are supporting- Iraq democratically elected by the way- can be in bed with its natural friends -fellow SHIites Iran. Jesus Christ! Bush and his yesman generals and yes man CIA are without question the most incompetant motherfuckers in military history! I despair. It makes my blood boil!

These stupid sons of bitches

Its jaw droppingly incompetent.

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posted by africanamericandad at 7:00 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 7:11 PM EDT
You hear about the two US Border Agents Ramos and Campion? THey were defending the border

Drug dealer had 800 pounds of dope they chased him when he came over the border shot him in the ass. But are convicted- of not following the rules?

We don't have any kinda justice in America when our frontline Border Patrol people have more to worry about from the justice system in our country- than the fucking drug pushing illegals crossing our fucking borders. They actually convicted these good American Boys of some bullshit and gave em each 20 years!!! i swear its the biggest miscarriage of Justice I've seen in awhile. I'm emailing that dumbfuck Attorney General we have (grinning lil pussy is probably illegal himself thats why he's always grinning)Gonzalez- telling em what a travesty of justice this is.

Our country is ass backwards when crooks get IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION- and our protectors the Border Patrol protecting USA are convicted- this shit is out-motherfucking-rageous

My mouth is open..

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posted by africanamericandad at 6:38 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 September 2006 9:49 AM EDT
Watching Lou Dobbs show on CNN- emailer said support port security and "buy american"-

We had a $68,000,000,000.00 $68billion dollar trade deficit- LAST MONTH ALONE!

We dont make anything but lookalike gas guzzling trash that get recalled every year.

Buy American- we dont make shit in America anymore- all the manufacturing jobs have

gone overseas- and those that havent are leaving as we speak. 68 billion dollar trade deficit

last month this country isnt going to hell in a handbasket- its already there.

We are on track for an 800 billion dollar trade deficit this year.

My mouth is just open- I'm beyond stunned.

But CEOs in this country make tens of millions a year to run American business and

manufacturing so people can earn an honest wage into the fucking ground.

When you have super rich and super poor- you have Louis 17th's & Marie Antoinette's

FRANCE.... We need to shake this shit up. Our government is not by and for the people.

You know the dumb assed middle American white voters gonna vote for the fucking

Republicans again.

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posted by africanamericandad at 6:28 PM EDT
Osama Bin Laden and his boys running fancy free in Pakistan Taliban coming back to Afghanistan

Our Generals in Iraq can't hold Al Anbar province in Iraq- I mean the Bush Administration cant do shit right with unlimited budget on this "bullshit war on terror"

If it weren't for the fact that our good troopers are in harm's way and getting blown the fuck up every goddamned day- the whole situation would be funny as hell. But our troops are there Year after year- combat tour after combat tour. Shit is fucking criminal. and the stupid ass republican generals are too scared to ask for what is necessary to accomplish the mission. Goddamned.

Only the Bush administration can fuck up a war with them having unlimited money. Only Bush and his incompetent assholes. But whos surprised?

Not me

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posted by africanamericandad at 6:22 PM EDT
Our Generals in Iraq cannot win in Al-ANbar province in Iraq-

They are too stupidly partisan to actually ask for enough troops to actually win.- So we keep losing troops trying to maintain status quo- they should be RELIEVED of COMMAND

We cant beat them in Al Anbar becasue the generals feel that asking for more troops -admits things aren't going well. What a bunch of assholes.

Will someone call a real General? Eric Shinseki- where the fuck are you? Hey Norman Shwartzkopf- get in the game America needs you even though these incompetant Republican led assholes won't ask for help - we need some guys with common sense and military tactical training sans the politics. We need a winning general that will call it like it is.

We aint got that- Gen Pete Pace current Joint Chief is a political hack- see what happens when you let teh Marine Corps run shit? Get and Army Joint Chief and we wont have these problems.

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posted by africanamericandad at 6:12 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 6:19 PM EDT
caller on c-span just now says shes unhappy 9-11wives shouldn't be heard on 9-11!!

Since they are unhappy with the lies of the 9-11 Commission- the female caller says they shouldnt have been heard on 9-11!! I was astounded by the ignorance.

Holy shit. ON 9-11 the wives of those killed shouldn't be able to express their views?

Oh my fucking god. I live in the most ignorant fucking country in the entire world. my mouth is open.

Anne Coulter - the human Viper- has infected the psyche of the stupid ass American public.

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posted by africanamericandad at 8:47 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 September 2006 9:48 AM EDT
I'm using a New program called Qumana to post my blog now

So- I'll be more prolific. try the link at the bottom Quamana- its free-so you can have a blog of your own. feel free to post comments to any of my blogs.

I got 600 views last month- I wonder who you people are reading my drunken rants lol!

I started the blog to vent before i went insane- while I watch the criminality and malfeaseance of our Government and its agencies.

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posted by africanamericandad at 8:06 AM EDT
Nato Commander has been asking for new troops for 18 months!

The terrorist Taliban/Bin Laden that actually attacked us- (so BUsh says) are ignored

The incompetence of this administration to fight a war or protect the country or save people from disaster or balance a budget or educate our children or ANYTHING is truly monumental in scope.

They attack Afghanistan to bring the terrorists to justice, supposedly. But they let Osama get away -on purpose at Tora Bora. They get bored with the terrorists in Afghanistan apparently and that so-called war is ignored. Now the Taliban is resurging in Afghanistan. The Taliban- regime that supported Osama is being allowed to not only roam free- but they Taliban is taking towns in the south of Afghanistan and we find out in the newspapers today that the US general in charge of all the NATO forces in Afghanistan- has been asking for reinforcements for 18 months? Jesus H.

who knew?


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posted by africanamericandad at 7:51 AM EDT
Some slimy Americans utter the phrase-

Better to "fight them over there- than here"

Well I was watching an Iraqi woman on the news-who objects to this callous and evil way of thinking. The Iraqi woman said:

"We had no terrorism until the Americans came. Saddam did not permit terrorism of any kind- Al-Queda was not here until the Americans came. Why would you say you are here for my freedom but you force this evil way of life upon us-by making it so unsafe you cannot go out of doors? Where anytime of day when you are shopping you can be blown to bits? Why would you be so evil as to impose this dreadful uncertain existence upon us?"

Only a scumbag would say some cheap slogan like "fight them over there not here"- because its just a fucking slogan. There is absolutely nothing stopping Al-Queda or anyone else from walking across any of our phony borders since 9-11. Bush and his thieving pirates could care less about our actual security. Do you really think that if we were attacked by foreign powers on 9-11- that they would leave the fucking borders open? No they would not. The ports would be checked 100% - but we weren't attacked on 9-11 by foreigners- it was Bush and his thieving friends and family that set that peice of masterful misdirection up. How else do you think they can cheerfully spend hundreds of billions of dollars on Iraq/Halliburton? Because they know damned well that no foreign powers are coming in- nothing else makes sense.

9-11>>>>> Twin Towers fell- but building 7 in the trade complex fell too- it wasnt crashed into at all- no explanation why it fell (other than the Securities and Exchange Commission criminal records were kept there! And all the gold under the Trade Center is mysteriously missing.- And the Pentagon crash- 174 foot wide 737 crashed into a 20 foot wide hole and disappeared wings engines all crammed into a 20 foot hole. And the video taken from every camera in Washington DC that had film in it taken by the FBI- why? You know why. THe whole thing is bullshit. Verisimilitude is a fine word to describe the entire deal. Ain't it?

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posted by africanamericandad at 7:31 AM EDT
Monday, 11 September 2006
9-11 observations and more political propaganda promulgated for the Controlled Demolitions

building 7 did not get crashed into but it imploded too- anyone know why?

Look the 174 foot wide -jet- they say crashed into the Pentagon must have folded its wings when it disappeared into the 20 foor wide hole that was Actually there- where did the huge engines go? the wings? fuselage? this huge aircraft conveniently disappeared? the engines "vaporized" ? (they have never done so before in any other crash in history ever.)...

Remember the "Maine" - (US Battleship sunk supposedly by the Spanish in Havana Harbor- but the ship was scuttled by the USA)- this was the prevocation that got us into the Spanish-American War.

FDR- knew b4 the Pearl Harbor attack- that it was planned and let it happen- (FDR wanted to get into the war- even though the vast majority of America did not want to be involved...)

Gulf of Tonkin Incident - our destroyer there supposedly attacked by the Vietnamese... we know that did not ahppen- so that got us into Viet Nam debacle...

Iraq War- Weapons of Mass Destruction- WMD- WMD WDM- nukes- all proven lies... War on "Terror" that never ends- convenient for the Defense Industry making money hand over fist. Too sweet by half for Halliburton.Bectel etc...

Now the fearmongering liars are trying the new thing to get us up in arms- "fascist islamist- islamo-fascism"- horsehit. (All the people we attack all seem to be (conveniently) ---- Israel's enemies too- isn't it.

Listening to C-span lot of American callers saying in plain english that it was the Bush Adminstration that attacked.... look at the hole in the Pentagon- b4 the other explosion blew up the facade of the Pentagon. Look at the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers- and the fact that the Building 7 of the trade Center just hapened to fall sympathetically when it was not even crashed into? I mean this is a joke-

Who in his or her right mind does not see this bullshit for what it is?

Answer- stupid ass gullible Americans. The same dumbasses that voted for this batch of thieves in the first place. Thats who- the people that cannot bear to have been wrong.. the people that fall for every three card monte scam- or internet email trick. the dumb ass Americans that consistently keep America strong and great by voting for scumbags and thieves.

Now they have the propaganda machine going- they have the Army Old Guard Color Guard playing America the beautiful- while everyone observes a moment of silence for the treachery against AMerica-by its own govt- disguised as a terror attack.

I despair.

Land of the Free home of the brave- it used to be....

now its not. Now its the land of the ignorant asses home of the damned fools- led by the corporate rats buttfucking the cash out of them while sending their jobs off overseas.

America cannot stay on this course- the corporate liars can't cook the books like Enron but so much- the chickens are going to come home to roost for AMerica.

We are going to have a devastating Recession soon- theres no way we cannot. There wont even be bread lines this time- the govt cant afford that- we have given all the money in our treasury away- already... but isnt that what they want? Smaller govt- they call it... lol

God save us from these thieves and murderers among us- and the Phony govt agencies called the FBI CIA JUSTICE DEPT SUPREME COURT US CONGRESS and Presidency and anyone else tasked to protect and defend America from its ENEMIES foreign and "DOMESTIC"- because it is painfully obvious they are not doing their fucking jobs.

What have th American People learned from all this history of our governments lying to us? Nothing.

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posted by africanamericandad at 8:27 AM EDT
Saturday, 9 September 2006
New Terrorism- "We fight them over there- so we won't fight them here"
Topic: Islamic Side of the Story

That is moronic at best. What is stopping them from coming thru our open North and South borders? Or ports? -short answer NOTHING stops them from coming here...

Stupid= USA foreign policy

It's designed so far to have our own ALLIES hate us! Our enemies are given comfort and support by people that didn't hate us until now. You cant bomb and murder people in their own land and call it bring them freedom (whether they want it or no?)

I love America. I hate the lies and thieving of Bush and his coolaide drinking asshole friends and supporters. These people are ruining America by impoverishing everyone that wasn't already rich. The American Dream is less attainable- now that the Education system (which wasn't too good to begin with) is further undermined by cuts in money that were there- cuts that now fund rich peoples tax cuts, funds taken away from American kids so rich whites can keep running their un-American Corporations overseas underwritten by American taxpayers.

I'm a proud American. But it's getting ahrd to stay proud of an America filled with stupid asses that keep voting against America. Hard to stay proud of a murderous government for the corporations and by the corporations.

It starting to suck living in AMerica. (then ur not safe when u leave and go visit someplace else because of these same asshole policies...)

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posted by africanamericandad at 1:09 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 September 2006 1:32 PM EDT
Peter Galbraith's book The End of Iraq- is splendid! Details BUSH crews total incompetance ruling Iraq

Bush and his guys Bremer and Wolfowitcz and the rest Rumsfeld and the whole gang of inept jackasses- are completely exposed by Galbraith's totally gripping novel- "THE END OF IRAQ".

Galbraith is so effortlessly knowledgeable- you finish the book and want more. I was enthralled by his accounts of how none of Bush's team knew even basic facts about Iraq and just let shit go to hell in a handbasket- from the very start. Galbraith lets us all know in detail just how dumb these motherfuckers were! They didnt know that the Shia and the SUNNI were diffrent sects at odd with each other!?

He is on Book TV via cspan-2 talking about his book-

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posted by africanamericandad at 12:39 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 September 2006 12:42 PM EDT
Friday, 8 September 2006
Taliban is kicking Nato's ass in Afghanistan now?
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Bush's stupid ass left the real war on Osama- to pursue iraqi profits
Topic: Afghanistan-real war

The Taliban is taking whole towns in the south of Afghanistan-

the Nato Commander in Afghanistan say everything is under control- (so why did he "publically" call for new NATO troops and helicopter squadrons?

He wouldnt have - unless shit was really going badly. you know how they like to put a sweet face on a shitty situation. So it must be terrible if he asked for reinforcements.

Bush is a damned fool that cant do anything right.

Stupid ass Dubya fux up again. 

posted by africanamericandad at 2:46 PM EDT
Thursday, 7 September 2006
Only in the Bush America could this swine admit to secret prisons etc
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Bush admits to the secret prisons and says a year after that USA doesn't torture-all of a sudden
Topic: American Fascism

But I think that even the stupid ass white American voters have stopped drinking the koolaide finally. Even the dumbasses that voted for that Thieving scum Bush/Cheney- are finally waking up as they look at their own diminishing lifestyles and portfolios. DUH

The trouble is- these same stupid ass whites -still dont get it. They still don't understand that it is they who are the problem. Republicans have always been thieving scumbags touting this bullshit "trickle down" bullshit that serves them and their rich friends first then the "rest of us" get some mythical benefit from them being rich and us not being rich.

Tax cuts for the filthy rich when the deficit is out of control- duh.

Let me see in my own family budget- if i don't pay my bills and keep borrowing money- my electric gas phones and food get stopped and I dont eat and get the basic services- then I get thrown out on my ass to the street. But in the Bush-Cheney America- they just keep borrowing and raising the debt ceiling over and over again to the tune of 9 trillion dollars- more borrowing and debt that all the other Presidents of the United States combined before him- its stunning in its rapaciousness. And who puts up with it? Stupid ass american whites. DUH

We cant even field an army to fight our real enemies because teh boogiemen enemies that this Administration wasted our Force strength on have depleted and ruined the military forces we have- so we cannot stop IRAN from getting the bomb.

All the Israeli apologists and assmunchers in our media have trumpetted us down the road to false war- to what end? Well now the stupid ass short sighted mugs that have led us to this point now have teh responsibility for thats almost certain fact.... Now that we cannot stop Iran from getting the bomb- now what Israel? Your ass is toast first. DUH

Israel and its supporters are gonna eat the bomb first. watch.

THE APAC running american politics to perfection is ultimately its own doom- they talked us into this shit in IRAQ- now IRAN is gonna gettem. Its hilarious really- if my own city doesnt get nuked along with them. (which aint funny)

So the ultimate enemy of Israel and stupid AMerican whites- is ultimately themselves and their own idiotic machinations which set all this in motion- aint that precious?


I was reading

Peter Galbraith author of "The End of Iraq"
I was watching him on a C-span channel talking about whats going on in Iraq. His points were that Iraq is already broken up- the Kurds have their own country and are pretty much autonomous with troops and a government of their own- they handle their own oil business etc- all apart from the "Unity Government of Iraq"- the central government cant even tax them.
Galbraith says that we have no military options so not a lot of negotiations can take place. The strategy the US is and has been following these last years- having a basically Shia Army and police force- to "Police and protect" the Sunni? Thats a bad idea -that hasn't panned out very well- civil war anyone?
We don't have a clue why we are there and we are making no headway in areas that would actually justify our presence there- such as disarming the militias, etc etc.. ad nauseum. Staying the course is going to be sectarian violence like we see- (what 1600 Iraqis dead this MONTH?) Our troops just dying in place for no apparent reason (Halliburton still making billions a month- aint they? lol- must be nice Mr. President/Vice President- allowing your friends in the defense industries that are war profiteering- Halliburton etc...- in clear exchange for young American fighting men and womens lives.
It clearly shows how heartless and immoral these scum bags are. I mean Jesus....


posted by africanamericandad at 7:13 AM EDT
Wednesday, 6 September 2006
call General Eric Shinseki former Joint Chief back to duty
Now Playing: some please stop the senseless deaths of our soldiers- call a real General (with some damned sense) who can run this war.

The yesMAN dumbfucks we have in our military just keep nodding at Rumsfeld- the most inept Secretary of Defense (or War) in our history. Our men get blown up daily 5-6, Iraqis dying by the thousands a month (3600!!!! dead last month)- My god.

Why are we dying- over there?

Anyone know?

For Their freedom? When we dont have any here? You trust the electronic voting machines which can be hacked by my 10 year old? I don't.

Nearly a Trillion dollars later$1,000,000,000,000.00- same shit is happening year after year. OUR guys and gals dying for nothing with incompetant leadership.

My mouth stays open -dumbfounded.

This administration makes Herbert Hoover's look good. My god.

posted by africanamericandad at 3:03 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 September 2006 1:39 PM EDT
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
RepubliCons- Do Nothing For Americans- Lick Big Business ASS Congress- worried
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: 9 weeks to go be4 the Elections- Borders, Ports, American Infrastructure, Wars
Topic: Politics


haven't done a thing good for Americans- thats a fact. The borders are still open. The ports controlled by foreign countries. The lie that led us to the war in Iraq. The incompetance that can't beat some rebels in a 3rd world country. The Hurricane Katrina Non -Response. They can't find Osama bin Laden- and have now actually Stopped looking for him.


Prescription law- where government CANNOT find best prices for drugs for Americans- written into the Law? The illegal immigrants taking over our jobs and way of life? The security of the Nation unattended to? Troops dying for nothing? Credit Card Law/ Bankruptcy Law written by the cred card co's and Wall Street thieves? Imminent Domain- they can legally take your fucking house now!? Tapping the phones? internet? libraries? What the fuck???!??

This Republicon led Senate, Republican led House, Republican led White House and Republican Led Supreme Court have systemattically removed all of the protections that Americans have fought for in less than ten years. 

Who has been in total control of the government? The republicons-

No question who is responsible for the sorry state of affairs the United States of America has found itself in. Republicans alone are responsible.

(Watch half the country vote for these thieving scum bags again anyway... Majority of AMericans are some stupid ass motherfuckers that vote against their own interests because they fall for the goddamned okeey-doke republicon rhetoric every fucking time. THere is no excuse for a bitch to vote for the thieves this time- but so many stupid ass Americans will anyway- vote for proven liars and thieves.

Just watch. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:50 PM EDT
Thursday, 17 August 2006
Bush as King- struck down by Federal District Judge!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Bush- style Fascism dealt a blow by Federal judge
Topic: American Fascism

Bush Warrantless wiretapping is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Judge orders the Executive Branch to stop!(Order stayed-on appeal-of course)

NSA has been violating freespeech and privacy for the last 5 years Judge says! Justice Department is of course appealing as we speak!.

But Bush and his Imperial Rule is put on notice- that bullshit aint nuthin!

Judge cited lotta already on the books laws and precedents and the Administration is hanging on by one fingernail!

About time someone stood up to this band of thieves and pirates!

Thank god someone stood up for America! Judge Anna Diggs Taylor is the AfricanAmerican woman with the stones to cast down this bullshit finally... the end is near for the Imperial Presidency. 

posted by africanamericandad at 4:00 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 August 2006 4:08 PM EDT
Tuesday, 15 August 2006
American Fascism
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Our country isn't a democracy anymore
Topic: American Fascism


               A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

 Our USA is a fucking fascist State run by "phony christian fundamentalist baitingliars & corporate terrorists"- who really brought down the Twin Towers? Our fucking governement did- and even those that didn't participate are equally guilty- as there is no real investigation- or authority in America even concerned that these evil men and women run amok in our nation. The CIA, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Pentagon(DIA, ARMY NAVY AIRFORCE MARINES) are all complicit with the destruction of American lives within the borders of teh United States and complicit 


I'm an American veteran- and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in my government- but this behavior isnt new at all- "Remember the Maine!"-- I remember the Maine- I remember we sunk our own battleshit to start the Spanish AMerican War- on a lie. I remember the Gulf of Tonkin- our destroyer attacked int eh early 60s- our "in" to the VietNam debacle. I remember alot of dirty rotten episodes of American policies being carried out- lies and misdirections- to trick the American People- all done by our government and its Agencies and Departments.

But the American People continue- to think we the USA has clean hands in our dealings with other nations.- Our populace has the attention span of a 5 year old on ritalin- so we can't remember what happened last week- even if we bothered to pay attention to the bullshit that is reported as news on CNN and allt eh other channels dominated by interests that are not American.

So we just slog thru day after day- same old horseshit until teh other team gets the nukes- then shits gonna get interesting.....


Last night the Israelis agreed to a ceasefire- agaisnt the slaughter of the Lebanese people and the Lebanese infrastructure. Israelis: "we love the Lebanese people -it is just Hezbollah we are targetting" (as they destroy the Airports power plants and any other infrastructure that would support the Lebanese people and law and order.- the Israelis master plan is to keep the areas outside its borders in a destabilized chaotic state. They cannot have Beirut- as the "Paris of the Medditereanean"- that doesnt fit the mold they have cast as Lebanon)


posted by africanamericandad at 11:50 AM EDT

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