African American Dad in Philly says:
Saturday, 9 September 2006
New Terrorism- "We fight them over there- so we won't fight them here"
Topic: Islamic Side of the Story

That is moronic at best. What is stopping them from coming thru our open North and South borders? Or ports? -short answer NOTHING stops them from coming here...

Stupid= USA foreign policy

It's designed so far to have our own ALLIES hate us! Our enemies are given comfort and support by people that didn't hate us until now. You cant bomb and murder people in their own land and call it bring them freedom (whether they want it or no?)

I love America. I hate the lies and thieving of Bush and his coolaide drinking asshole friends and supporters. These people are ruining America by impoverishing everyone that wasn't already rich. The American Dream is less attainable- now that the Education system (which wasn't too good to begin with) is further undermined by cuts in money that were there- cuts that now fund rich peoples tax cuts, funds taken away from American kids so rich whites can keep running their un-American Corporations overseas underwritten by American taxpayers.

I'm a proud American. But it's getting ahrd to stay proud of an America filled with stupid asses that keep voting against America. Hard to stay proud of a murderous government for the corporations and by the corporations.

It starting to suck living in AMerica. (then ur not safe when u leave and go visit someplace else because of these same asshole policies...)

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posted by africanamericandad at 1:09 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 September 2006 1:32 PM EDT
Peter Galbraith's book The End of Iraq- is splendid! Details BUSH crews total incompetance ruling Iraq

Bush and his guys Bremer and Wolfowitcz and the rest Rumsfeld and the whole gang of inept jackasses- are completely exposed by Galbraith's totally gripping novel- "THE END OF IRAQ".

Galbraith is so effortlessly knowledgeable- you finish the book and want more. I was enthralled by his accounts of how none of Bush's team knew even basic facts about Iraq and just let shit go to hell in a handbasket- from the very start. Galbraith lets us all know in detail just how dumb these motherfuckers were! They didnt know that the Shia and the SUNNI were diffrent sects at odd with each other!?

He is on Book TV via cspan-2 talking about his book-

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posted by africanamericandad at 12:39 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 September 2006 12:42 PM EDT
Friday, 8 September 2006
Taliban is kicking Nato's ass in Afghanistan now?
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Bush's stupid ass left the real war on Osama- to pursue iraqi profits
Topic: Afghanistan-real war

The Taliban is taking whole towns in the south of Afghanistan-

the Nato Commander in Afghanistan say everything is under control- (so why did he "publically" call for new NATO troops and helicopter squadrons?

He wouldnt have - unless shit was really going badly. you know how they like to put a sweet face on a shitty situation. So it must be terrible if he asked for reinforcements.

Bush is a damned fool that cant do anything right.

Stupid ass Dubya fux up again. 

posted by africanamericandad at 2:46 PM EDT
Thursday, 7 September 2006
Only in the Bush America could this swine admit to secret prisons etc
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Bush admits to the secret prisons and says a year after that USA doesn't torture-all of a sudden
Topic: American Fascism

But I think that even the stupid ass white American voters have stopped drinking the koolaide finally. Even the dumbasses that voted for that Thieving scum Bush/Cheney- are finally waking up as they look at their own diminishing lifestyles and portfolios. DUH

The trouble is- these same stupid ass whites -still dont get it. They still don't understand that it is they who are the problem. Republicans have always been thieving scumbags touting this bullshit "trickle down" bullshit that serves them and their rich friends first then the "rest of us" get some mythical benefit from them being rich and us not being rich.

Tax cuts for the filthy rich when the deficit is out of control- duh.

Let me see in my own family budget- if i don't pay my bills and keep borrowing money- my electric gas phones and food get stopped and I dont eat and get the basic services- then I get thrown out on my ass to the street. But in the Bush-Cheney America- they just keep borrowing and raising the debt ceiling over and over again to the tune of 9 trillion dollars- more borrowing and debt that all the other Presidents of the United States combined before him- its stunning in its rapaciousness. And who puts up with it? Stupid ass american whites. DUH

We cant even field an army to fight our real enemies because teh boogiemen enemies that this Administration wasted our Force strength on have depleted and ruined the military forces we have- so we cannot stop IRAN from getting the bomb.

All the Israeli apologists and assmunchers in our media have trumpetted us down the road to false war- to what end? Well now the stupid ass short sighted mugs that have led us to this point now have teh responsibility for thats almost certain fact.... Now that we cannot stop Iran from getting the bomb- now what Israel? Your ass is toast first. DUH

Israel and its supporters are gonna eat the bomb first. watch.

THE APAC running american politics to perfection is ultimately its own doom- they talked us into this shit in IRAQ- now IRAN is gonna gettem. Its hilarious really- if my own city doesnt get nuked along with them. (which aint funny)

So the ultimate enemy of Israel and stupid AMerican whites- is ultimately themselves and their own idiotic machinations which set all this in motion- aint that precious?


I was reading

Peter Galbraith author of "The End of Iraq"
I was watching him on a C-span channel talking about whats going on in Iraq. His points were that Iraq is already broken up- the Kurds have their own country and are pretty much autonomous with troops and a government of their own- they handle their own oil business etc- all apart from the "Unity Government of Iraq"- the central government cant even tax them.
Galbraith says that we have no military options so not a lot of negotiations can take place. The strategy the US is and has been following these last years- having a basically Shia Army and police force- to "Police and protect" the Sunni? Thats a bad idea -that hasn't panned out very well- civil war anyone?
We don't have a clue why we are there and we are making no headway in areas that would actually justify our presence there- such as disarming the militias, etc etc.. ad nauseum. Staying the course is going to be sectarian violence like we see- (what 1600 Iraqis dead this MONTH?) Our troops just dying in place for no apparent reason (Halliburton still making billions a month- aint they? lol- must be nice Mr. President/Vice President- allowing your friends in the defense industries that are war profiteering- Halliburton etc...- in clear exchange for young American fighting men and womens lives.
It clearly shows how heartless and immoral these scum bags are. I mean Jesus....


posted by africanamericandad at 7:13 AM EDT
Wednesday, 6 September 2006
call General Eric Shinseki former Joint Chief back to duty
Now Playing: some please stop the senseless deaths of our soldiers- call a real General (with some damned sense) who can run this war.

The yesMAN dumbfucks we have in our military just keep nodding at Rumsfeld- the most inept Secretary of Defense (or War) in our history. Our men get blown up daily 5-6, Iraqis dying by the thousands a month (3600!!!! dead last month)- My god.

Why are we dying- over there?

Anyone know?

For Their freedom? When we dont have any here? You trust the electronic voting machines which can be hacked by my 10 year old? I don't.

Nearly a Trillion dollars later$1,000,000,000,000.00- same shit is happening year after year. OUR guys and gals dying for nothing with incompetant leadership.

My mouth stays open -dumbfounded.

This administration makes Herbert Hoover's look good. My god.

posted by africanamericandad at 3:03 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 September 2006 1:39 PM EDT
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
RepubliCons- Do Nothing For Americans- Lick Big Business ASS Congress- worried
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: 9 weeks to go be4 the Elections- Borders, Ports, American Infrastructure, Wars
Topic: Politics


haven't done a thing good for Americans- thats a fact. The borders are still open. The ports controlled by foreign countries. The lie that led us to the war in Iraq. The incompetance that can't beat some rebels in a 3rd world country. The Hurricane Katrina Non -Response. They can't find Osama bin Laden- and have now actually Stopped looking for him.


Prescription law- where government CANNOT find best prices for drugs for Americans- written into the Law? The illegal immigrants taking over our jobs and way of life? The security of the Nation unattended to? Troops dying for nothing? Credit Card Law/ Bankruptcy Law written by the cred card co's and Wall Street thieves? Imminent Domain- they can legally take your fucking house now!? Tapping the phones? internet? libraries? What the fuck???!??

This Republicon led Senate, Republican led House, Republican led White House and Republican Led Supreme Court have systemattically removed all of the protections that Americans have fought for in less than ten years. 

Who has been in total control of the government? The republicons-

No question who is responsible for the sorry state of affairs the United States of America has found itself in. Republicans alone are responsible.

(Watch half the country vote for these thieving scum bags again anyway... Majority of AMericans are some stupid ass motherfuckers that vote against their own interests because they fall for the goddamned okeey-doke republicon rhetoric every fucking time. THere is no excuse for a bitch to vote for the thieves this time- but so many stupid ass Americans will anyway- vote for proven liars and thieves.

Just watch. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:50 PM EDT
Thursday, 17 August 2006
Bush as King- struck down by Federal District Judge!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Bush- style Fascism dealt a blow by Federal judge
Topic: American Fascism

Bush Warrantless wiretapping is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Judge orders the Executive Branch to stop!(Order stayed-on appeal-of course)

NSA has been violating freespeech and privacy for the last 5 years Judge says! Justice Department is of course appealing as we speak!.

But Bush and his Imperial Rule is put on notice- that bullshit aint nuthin!

Judge cited lotta already on the books laws and precedents and the Administration is hanging on by one fingernail!

About time someone stood up to this band of thieves and pirates!

Thank god someone stood up for America! Judge Anna Diggs Taylor is the AfricanAmerican woman with the stones to cast down this bullshit finally... the end is near for the Imperial Presidency. 

posted by africanamericandad at 4:00 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 August 2006 4:08 PM EDT
Tuesday, 15 August 2006
American Fascism
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Our country isn't a democracy anymore
Topic: American Fascism


               A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

 Our USA is a fucking fascist State run by "phony christian fundamentalist baitingliars & corporate terrorists"- who really brought down the Twin Towers? Our fucking governement did- and even those that didn't participate are equally guilty- as there is no real investigation- or authority in America even concerned that these evil men and women run amok in our nation. The CIA, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Pentagon(DIA, ARMY NAVY AIRFORCE MARINES) are all complicit with the destruction of American lives within the borders of teh United States and complicit 


I'm an American veteran- and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in my government- but this behavior isnt new at all- "Remember the Maine!"-- I remember the Maine- I remember we sunk our own battleshit to start the Spanish AMerican War- on a lie. I remember the Gulf of Tonkin- our destroyer attacked int eh early 60s- our "in" to the VietNam debacle. I remember alot of dirty rotten episodes of American policies being carried out- lies and misdirections- to trick the American People- all done by our government and its Agencies and Departments.

But the American People continue- to think we the USA has clean hands in our dealings with other nations.- Our populace has the attention span of a 5 year old on ritalin- so we can't remember what happened last week- even if we bothered to pay attention to the bullshit that is reported as news on CNN and allt eh other channels dominated by interests that are not American.

So we just slog thru day after day- same old horseshit until teh other team gets the nukes- then shits gonna get interesting.....


Last night the Israelis agreed to a ceasefire- agaisnt the slaughter of the Lebanese people and the Lebanese infrastructure. Israelis: "we love the Lebanese people -it is just Hezbollah we are targetting" (as they destroy the Airports power plants and any other infrastructure that would support the Lebanese people and law and order.- the Israelis master plan is to keep the areas outside its borders in a destabilized chaotic state. They cannot have Beirut- as the "Paris of the Medditereanean"- that doesnt fit the mold they have cast as Lebanon)


posted by africanamericandad at 11:50 AM EDT
Watching a lot of Newsweek people on TV telling lies
Now Playing: The ethnicity- seems to be- Jewish- Evan Thomas

Evan Thomas from Newsweek- lies alot on TV. He calls the 9-11 plane going into the Pentagon a conspiracy theory- the 7*7(707/727-whatever) crashing into the Pentagon is clearly a bullshit lie- whatever- flew into the Pentagon was not one of those jets. It was much smaller and no engines were found outside the building- which is clearly impossible (US military personnel at the Pentagon smelled explosives). See the video.

This guy Evan Thomas is part of something....... his lies were blazing on Washington Journal. Lies in a vacuum.


posted by africanamericandad at 9:10 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 August 2006 9:20 AM EDT
Lieberman is running as an independent after losing Democratic Primary
Now Playing: Lieberman shows his true yellow colors-running as spoiler in Conneticut Senate Race

Lieberman- tool of the Israeli lobby- is out on his ass when the Conneticut Democrats see thru his bullshit finally-

THis isnt the United States of Israel -Joe.

This is America. Your treason against America is over Joe.

Treason- being- acting in a foreign country (Israel's) interests- to the detriment of American interests.

Well you are the first one down Joe- there will be more of your ilk outed and booted out of office.

50 States with almost 50 Jews as Senators- how the fuck can that be? jewish influence in America is overwhelming and  disproportionate- theres less than 1% of the US population- that are Jews- but look at the influence they have over our country!

I think if your loyalties lie with Israel- you should drop your USA citizenship and move the fuck to Israel.

Staying in the USA and working agaisnt Americas interests for some foreign country is treason-baby. 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:42 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 August 2006 8:59 AM EDT
Joe Lieberman- trounced by Ned Lamont in Dem Primary
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Lieberman's lockstep Israeli bent- exposed- Voters speak
Topic: Politics

Lieberman- is a Jew.

I don't have a problem with my brother American's ethnicity.

Jews contribute mightily to the intellectual, military, scientific, and moral fabric of America. I mean mightily contribute. I respect and honor my fellow Americans. I always will love and support my fellow Americans- don't doubt it. Ever.

However- there are some of the Jewish persuasion who do not have America's best interests at heart. Or they have suched mixed allegiance to the State of Israel- which I can understand clearly is a natural thing to have-if one were a Jew. 

But there are some things which are good for our Ally Israel - which are not good for USA- and that gets rolled over by a very succinct, very well managed and powerful Jewish/Israeli lobby here in the United States which is supported by and large by the Jewish population in the US. All very legal (mostly) and natural. However- the USA used to be a country that was admired, respected and loved in the world. Our ideas and our can-do attitude was the darling of the world- until the 1950s. 

We (USA) supported the European colonialism that installed the JEws into the area we now call Israel - and now all our talk of fairness, truth, justice and the American way- has been exposed as the bullshit rhetoric- that it alwasy was.

America doesn't believe in truth and Justice. THose have been just buzz words for a couple hundred years. Look at the struggle of the peoples that lived in America- don't they look like American palestinians- the Native Americans? The Israeli situation- colonizing a land that was already inhabited- killing those that resist- and oppressing those that don't resist. Its been done before- the heinous acts covered up with slogans about democracy and justice- meanwhile demonizing the people that are it's victims on the global stage- by calling them terrorists and such- it really is a brilliant campaign to dis-inform the people of the world- but the formula works to perfection- mostly. They have their way.

But lets quit calling the pig that is Israel- democracy and Justice driven. it's not. Bare naked colonialism isnt pretty is it? It is increasingly dangerous to be a colonialist in this day and age- 21st century- look at all the places where most colonialism occurs- Africa and other place- they are displaceing the bullshitters clothed in law and order that have stolen their lands and resources- they have driven them out in most places.  Zimbabwe comes to mind. Where the displaced have access to weaponry- they fight back- even after decades of domination by the thieving interlopers.....

So the trend is set- Remember Zimbabwe...

You can't hold onto your foothold on someone elses land when the people you stole from arm themselves and won't give up.

Since weaponry is advancing to the stage where people that can afford it  can purchase nuclear material- so they will and the inexorable march to reclaiming what was stolen will move on- can't lay down in a man's house that you have stolen- then complain that you can't get on with and enjoy your life-when he tries to get his property back......

right is right and bullshit gets exposed when the weaponry evens out. 

when the arabs get even par as far as weaponry- israels toast.

America needs to rethink its lies.

The world went from admiring a darling- to hating a lying ass bully. 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:20 AM EDT
Calling Thievery and Colonialism- Freedom and Justice
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: On the Jew dominated US News- there are common talking points
Topic: Islamic Side of the Story

Calling Israel the only "Democracy" in the Middle East is common.- Yet Israel's neighbors- Palestine and Lebanon are both democratic Nations.

 Not calling the invasion and incremental theft of the land of the Palestinians- what it is-  continually mentioning how "ISRAEL" is a legitimate State- via some multi thousand year old Biblical nonsense...

Periodic slaughter of the Palestinian people and the Lebanese people- and the supporting infrastructure when things start going right for them- then calling it the Defense of Israel. We get reports of hundreds of Hiz(Hez)bollah Katusha rockets attacking Israel. But in light of the 9-11 lies- we know what our government is actually capable of- that they lie smoothly and continuously about whatever tehy feel advances their cause. _WHo has actually seen these rocket attacks? (I look in askance at the Jewish Dominated CNN's communicating from Jerusalem (while visiting with their family members...) and the rest of the ISraeli apologist networks. You cannot trust the people that continuously trick us- over and over again.

This is a morning ramble- generated by my morning dose of C-Span's Washington Journal(which is on every morning- and has a very pronounced Jewish bias- since daily -more than half their guests are Jewish ethnicity) ... 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:07 AM EDT
Tuesday, 8 August 2006
Kieron in Aug 2006
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Kieron is getting bigger everyday!
Topic: First Pictures

Kieron Sean

Lots of teeth? I swear he has all his molars, too! (LOL just kidding)






Kieron feeds himself-oh brother! 

posted by africanamericandad at 10:26 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 August 2006 10:12 AM EDT
Saturday, 29 July 2006
American Traitors wearing Israeli colors -all over the TV
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: People that have another country's best interests-and not our own- running every tv show
Topic: Israeli Domination

They keep saying- this is in Americas interest- how in the hell is it in our interest to be the most hated country in the world- by replacing the Israelis with that dubious "honor"?

Why are we the most hated country in the world- simple- we are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Our Presidents stand on podiums around the world spouting lies that NO ONE BELIEVES. We talk about freedom all the time- but there isn't any in AMERICA- have you noticed our phones are all tapped? Our mail is monitored? The books we read ? THe web pages we surf? What we watch on TV?  For fucks sake - most of the "Electronic" voting booths in state after state- county after county -are fucking rigged.... they don't even try to fake it- the American People want paper trail on the ballots- the politicos want Electronic- "programmable" voting... Democracy has been dead in America for over 10 years.

Tell me what aspect of our lives is NOT monitored by the Government- then tell me we have fucking freedom! It's bullshit.

Our Presidents are always saying how Israel is our friend- our good friend kills our citizens, our good friend attacks our ships, our good friend spies on us regularly- in that we have counter-intelligence groups designed to foil them- our good friend has Political lobby groups operating in our country every day influencing all the debate- our good friends own every Jewish Senator and Congressman( name one Jewish Congressman/Senator that isn't in lockstep with everything Israel does or wants- (which one of them DOESN't visit Israel for their marching orders every year or so?). We filled to the brim with Israeli spies and collaborationists own our Newspapers, TV Stations and Business Interests & the goddamned Government.

Our Presidents have always lied saying that we the US was an honest powerbroker in the Israeli Palestinian conflict- everyone on this planet knows thats a lie. how can you be an honest broker when most of the deals done are made by American Jewish diplomats and Secretaries of State -dealing with the Arabs? You think the Arabs don't know the US Representatives are mostly all Jews? picture this- Jews in Israel and Jews In USA on one side- Palestinians who have been robbed of their land, homes and lives on the other side. Who on the planet doesn't see it?

They hate us because we are liars .... They hate us because our troops and planes used by US and Israelis) are bombing them -decade after decade. They hate us because we come from all the way over here in USA across the world to stick our big ass noses into their affairs across the other side of the planet- they resent us for coming around the planet- and minding their business. They hate us because we are pathological liars and we support and defend the people that have done them wrong for over 50 years.

I heard a midwestern idiot saying this- " If they used nuclear weapons on us, their country would be a smoking hole since we ahve 10,000 weapons."

I pose this hypothetical- the same government that doesn't know for a solid week-that its own citizens are dying on US soil from the biggest hurricane ever to hit the USA-  that government- is going to figure out who nuked us? If the bomb isnt attached to a intercontinental ballistic missile -if its man packed into our country say- across the wide open southern border- that allows millions of mexicans in every years (that border)- how the fuck they gonna know who nuked us? How? Are you kidding me? Are you attached to the same reality as the rest of us?

The American people waiting on this government would be well and truly royally fucked. There is no plan in place by the Department of Homeland Incompetance- hurricane Katrina and its incompetant Administrators are every one still in place "running things"  so those same jackasses that couldn't figure out our people were in trouble during the hurricane Katrina debacle- are going to be able to handle a nuclear attack? with radioctive fallout? massive millions of people needing irradiation? Please that group of incompetant liars couldnt evacuate a parking lot if they had the fucking keys to every car in the ignition.

So following Israel down this path of death and destruction is going to end up with us having millions dead- which I suspect is the israeli plan. USE AMERICA as asafety valve to let off some of the heat from themselves. Did you notice during the Iraq War- that massive suicide bombing in Israel dropped to absolutely nothing?  I did

Just Say No to: ISRAEL 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:27 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 August 2006 10:09 AM EDT
Thursday, 27 July 2006
Hezbollah- Hamas and all the rest unite- oh shit.
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: you know if they hit us in USA our incompetant govt -gonna leave us in the lurch
Topic: Politics

SHit- I'm worried- Everyone knows if you actually need them- our own gvt- is the most incompetant on the planet. We cant beat resistance ppl in Iraq- (cuz they are too stupid to listen to General Shinseki- who said we need 300k plus troops)....

We cant save our own ppl for an entire week- we let them die- and foul shit to happen in Katrina. We know the govt lies everyday about how the economy is doing- its a wreck thats been covered over with a sheet.-

Now The fucking AlQueda and the rest in the Middle Easat are banding together beyond their diffrences- and we going to take some heat.

I'm worried- I hope them assholes dont hit Philly. We know bush-'s stupid ass and his piece of shit government isnt prepared for a damned thing and we gonna take it up teh ass.

Maybe we should look at the weather patterns and see where the fallout from the nukes wont go- and get our families there.

Vancouver, British Columbia- is far west- wind blows from teh westerly- so likelihood of radioactive fallout will be minimal....

 I think we have a few years b4 the shit hits Chernobyl style.... Get ready everyone- you know shit well our govt isnt gonna react for us until it s way too late. So make your own plans for your family.

Our mindless following of them stupid ass willful Jews in the Middle East are the source of every current problem that we fucking have... 

posted by africanamericandad at 4:20 PM EDT
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Israel Kills 5 UN unarmed observers in 10 days
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: israelis claim its an accident- but the observation post been there 30 years
Topic: Israeli Domination

Israelis murder using precision guided munitions -given to them by my evil jewish led government. The united Nations people are encouraged to leave the area- (when UN troops get blown away in -oops an accident) after being called repaetedly by UN Force Command in the region- telling Israelis to shift their fire- -NEXT Day and Airstrike pinpoint bombs the UN -unarmed observers-.

Kofi Annan says "apparently" they were purposefully targetted.

Israel does this alot- USS Liberty and lots of folks...

Remember Rachel Corrie?    Anyone under Israeli guns can find himself dead- and who even chatises these criminal? No one. USA with its UN veto power blocks the entire World from censoring or making Israel toe the line on UN resolutions. Israel is shielded by the USA even when Israel attacks US citizens or ships. It is absurd how the rotten Zionists control our government.

The Lebanese citizens murdered today -I heard the suffering (on the Jewish apologist CNN -yeah I know shocked me too) I was moved to tears hearing the screaming wounded of a ten story apartment building blown to bits by USA built- Israeli Smart Bombs. 

Murdering dogs. I hope the Arabs get their shit together. This shit shouldn't be allowed to continue. Destruction of any prosperity near the stolen lands of Israel is the purpose of all these warcrimes committed against the Democratic peoples of Lebanon. 

Our phony assed GW Bush led government has its point man Condi Rice ignoring the uproar from around the war as they refuse to call their israeli dogs to heel. Seems they will allow the israelis to continue showing the Lebanese and Palestinians the "good will" they feel for them- by continuaing to murder by the hundreds daily- and reduce the water, electrical power plants and any sort of nfrastructure that the Lebanese people could need to continue as a sovereign State. 

Watching US tv from Philly- I see CNN 90% of the anchors and reporters we see covering the situation in the middle east are JEWS. ???? I mean what the fuck?  We get the slanted bullshit of the thieving Israelis uncomfortable as the Freedom Fighters try and fight the Armed and Armored "David" - as their own lands are invaded again anad again by these israeli bullies. I grit my teeth watching American jews in NY complain about a power outage- yet I think of how much hotter it isin the Middle East- whos power grids havent been blacked out- but completely destroyd by the israeli thugs for what a year?

God- you gotta stop these scum bags from murdering. This shit aint right. 

posted by africanamericandad at 3:13 PM EDT
Friday, 21 July 2006
looking at my blogs lately _I look like some kinda radical
Now Playing: But in reality I'm a fed-up Conservative Republican veteran
Topic: Politics

I'm for truth Justice and the American Way.

But truth gets skewed, blurred and outright broken in two and Frankensteined into lies and treacherous misleading horshit- by the people running the dialog/manipulating the global situation/ war profiteering etc...

Living in America is like the Twilight Zone episode that never ends.

I'm black and American but I can be shot dead in this country- imprisoned with a kangaroo court trial(they will have a practically all-white jury for sure)- for any crime whatso ever. Accused of drug dealing, terrorism or anything whatsoever- and who in our main stream culture would care? No one.

In a world where our government "promotes" democracy- at the point of a tank or gun or airstrikes- yet ignores or will have no dealings with democratically elected governments that it doesnt like- Democracy is touted and shouted- yet in our own America elections are ROUTINELY stolen- we use "electronic voting booths- with NO PAPER TRAIL" no accountablility whatsoever- DIEBOLD machines anyone can program in thrity seconds- 

No democracy in America for me with the worst schools in the civilized world teaching our kids to go to prison. No democracy where the voice of true Americans is drowned out by the APAC Jewish lobby- that really controls USA Armed Forces. No democracy where the only job you can find is working at McDonald's for $6 bucks and hour ONLY PART TIME 20 hours a week or at WALMART for the same pay and ZERO benefits - and thats called a fucking JOB.

There is no democracy where you can be murdered by the POLICE STATE, there is no democracy where any crime you are accused of you can be imprisoned for, no democracy where your vote doesn't even get counted...

Our country the so-called superpower/ the Emperor with no clothes... that  says one thing while doing entirely something else. Our glibly lying American government that yearly tricks taxpayers with tricks and gimmicks our democracy is a lie.

The American Citizens scream for the country to be protected, the borders closed, the ports checked and secured. This is not done. The borders to this very day are wide open. The poor from our southern neighbors (and anyone else that feels like it) come through whenever they please and nothing is done. Our ports are run by foreign companies routinely. So our safety is effectively in the hands of foreigners.

We the people are sold out to the extent that the Government feels quite free to ignore our pleas and exhortations for common sense to prevail on issues such as our very safety, our jobs and our way of life being eroded by the invasions happening in front of us all. Yet we continue to elect these same thieving rats. Why? Because the election machines themselves are rigged.

"America- land of the free, home of the brave" ? Nah- more like "America land of the economic slaves, market of the conniving business interests".

We are turning before our own eyes into a third world nation- school haven't just gotten bad- in the overlooked ghettos they have been this way for three decades or more- but now its become pervasive (and subsequently a national concern....), drugs that have for decades been used to pacify/destroy the ghetto communities are now inundating white communities and its a big concern all of a sudden! METH, EcsTASY- are drugs that predominately white kids use so its a big deal- NOW...

Illegal immigration and the eroding of black and minority jobs that had been ignored for decades has suddenly blown out of proportion in the media because white middle class american jobs at factories and plants that never wanted American born minorities are hiring the millions of illegals that work for pennies and no benefits-(because they dont deserve to wor here legally and can't get the low wages they get here- they are happy to work- glibly illegals say Americans are lazy- because they won't work for minimum wage and no benefits at a job that has backbreaking labor or menial work-who would work for minimum wage under these conditions?)  Our good old USA is corrupt- the rich are getting richer- and the rest of us are getting buttfucked.

You seen the excuses this week on the deficit? "Defits are not really important" they fucking tell us this week- 20 years my Republican party has been screaming about deficits but when Republicans are in power they "Cut and RUN"

Cut taxes and RUN up the deficit and National Debt. It is criminal to give your frieds tax cuts int eh millions of dollars per year- and give the rest of us a "tax cut" of $100 dollars-a tank of gas? While running up what our nation owes in the trillions of $dollars? How can you cut taxes- money coming in - during war time when your are spending hundreds of billions of dollars? How can you glibly explain away the debt that is owed? This is not a sustainable economic policy- a child can see that making projections higher than the criminal amount that our government spends -then later in the year saying "Wow our economic policies are working! When the projected deficits are less than the bloated projections you make are actually less- yet the fucking DEBT-money we honestly owe is added to in the trillions of dollars? Our grandchildren will still be paying for this Phony Christmas Spending Spree.  There will be such a global  downturn and recession such as never before been seen- how do I know- we have never in our nations history been so irresponsible with our Treasury.  So the Depression of  the late 20's will return and with all the illegals- there won't even be any work for real Americans - God please fucking help us?

Please let this irresponsible thieving ass Administration be struck by lightning and die- Lord knows our great nation is being brought low by this scumbag pirate crew- led by Dufus Dubya and That great spider thief DICK cheney. 

posted by africanamericandad at 12:22 PM EDT
READ Alexander Cockburn's piece in
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Http://
Topic: Israeli Domination

Alexander Cockburn- talks about Hezbollah, Hamas,"FREEDOM FIGHTERS" - and how they are trying to get their peoples' homes back from the Thieving Israelis.

He talks about the American media apologist dogs getting 25:1 time on air and how things are going to go. Cockburn clues us all in on the historical facts about what has gone on- how they plopped the Jews into these peoples land and moved em out at gunpoint and make excuses about how the Land is theirs from 2000 years ago- totally absurd. Cockburn is fierce talking about how you trip over the thousands and thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian bodies that the Israelis have killed recently. His outrage is blazing and he details the actual facts about how the murderous thieving Israelis dont even give a shit about the people they slaughter in their quest to stamp out so called "terrorists" who are trying to fight off the Israeli thieve s that have stolen their homes -their livelihoods, their dignity, their families.

{WARNING: this site is reality. It shows Israeli girls writing messages on Israeli/American bombs and artillery shells- then you see the actual devastation the death and destruction- the pictures are so fresh the people are still literally burning- you see the real Palestinian/Lebanese children and women blown up- reality is horrific- Pretty Jewish girls writing messages to the Arabs- and seeing that message in reality- I'm a veteran of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne and the pictures unsettled me some as well as brought back some memories...  so beware- theres no lies here but the reality isn't pleasant)

Cockburn gives us this link its horrific- the truth is- 

"" for more sourcing. 

(((the link works! If you get an error message try again! You know how "some" people try and block sites- and put teh snafu on good shit- that link works! Usually I have to refresh the page 2ce b4 it mysteriously starts working!!)))

You can't argue with the goddamned truth.

Listening to the lying ass Israelis and their apologists all over the media saying - we care about the Lebanese people- while they blow up every bridge, every power plant, every road, every airport, every equipment and way to make money is being systematically destroyed by these liars.

They love the Lebanese People- the Israelis say- as they destroy everything that makes them Lebanon a society (which was flourishing recently....democratically and financially).

Check out the links! Powerful shit! True shit! 

posted by africanamericandad at 8:12 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 21 July 2006 8:36 AM EDT
Thursday, 20 July 2006
I set up a way for viewers to COMMENT
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: You can comment on my shit- say what you like I do
Topic: Weblogs are great!

Save death threats and shit though thats corny- I'll look at your IP address and forward that kinda shit to the FBI (ip address is your computers phone number- even if you phony it up the FBI can trace you via your ISP)

Have a position- say what the fuck you wanna. I will read all the comments I can- and post back something if I think its interesting.

And My mind isnt really narrow- I can be won over with a good argument. 

posted by africanamericandad at 11:09 AM EDT
Arab Israeli conflict in a nut shell
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Steal it then defend it.
Topic: Politics

Late 1947


Palestine is invaded by millions of Jews.  The Arabs living there for two thousand years are shot, stabbed- moved out at gunpoint. Hundreds of thousands (is not millions) of people- refugees.

 Fact: 1967

THe Arabs tried and failed to remove these thieves who have invaded and stolen the land.

Fact: the Israelis stole Palestine


THieves come in the night and take your home- you and your sons and daughters and wife are thrown out of your ancestral home. The thieves cliam they have a right to the land you and your family have lived in for 20 centuries.The thieves are supported by a large SUPERPOWER (full of supporters and family of the THIEVES).

What would you do if people came tomorrow to throw you and your family into the street? Tell me you wouldnt fight for your home?

You know what you would be called if your tried to keep the fight on for your families home- with the media dominated by thievish groups? You would be called a terrorist. Really- trying to boot the stinking thieves from your home- you would be called a terrorist.

And Americans always wonder why these people cannot stand us... THen calling what we do JuSTICE and DEMOCRACY! Its obscene.


posted by africanamericandad at 10:41 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 July 2006 10:56 AM EDT

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